Chapter 3 Figuring out a Painful past

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(Game) Gladion's P.O.V

I wake up in the morning extremely tired as I didn't sleep well last night as I only had two hours of sleep. I got dressed quickly as I dashed to the Pokémon Center hoping that Leah would be there. I desperately walked inside as I was greeted by Nurse Joy. "Good Morning, Nurse Joy, have you seen a ginger haired girl with her Glaceon by chance?" I asked. She nodded. "Yes I did, but she left this morning, I don't know where she was heading thought." She told me. I sighed, well it's too late I'm not going to find her now. I return to my motel room and try to relax, but my thoughts are taking over once again. My mind was going all over with questions I couldn't answer. "Why do I feel like this around Leah? What exactly is this feeling? So many questions so few answers!" I told myself mentally. I groaned loudly and punched my pillow in frustration. Type: Null was staring at me in confusion. It was unlike me to be like this over one girl.

(Game) Lillie's P.O.V

I was in front of the interdimensional lab as I was trying to be like Moon so I decided to somehow train Nebby like she would. "G-go Nebby, U-use Splash!" I said. It didn't work. "I'm sorry Nebby, I'm just trying to be like Moon." I told it. "Pew!" Nebby exclaimed. I then heard footsteps, I looked over to see who they could belong to. I see a ginger haired girl and her Glaceon walking inside the lab. I decided to stop them for a little conversation. "Uh h-hello?" I said. She turned around. God dammit I forgot to put Nebby in the bag. "Oh hi there!" She said cheerfully. "Nebby get in the bag!" I told Nebby. "Pew!" Nebby replied. The girl chuckled. "You don't have to hide Nebby from me, I'll keep it a secret." She told me. "Y-you mean it?" I asked. She nodded. "I'm Leah, this is Krystal." She introduced. "L-leah!? I thought you were dead!?" I told her. "I'm not from this world. And I had a talk with Gladion, I'm aware about what happened to her, but how it happened I have no idea." She told me. "There's another Alola!?" I exclaimed. "Affirmative, in my world you're an amazing Pokémon trainer." She told me. "Well then I guess you are looking to return back home huh?" I asked. She nodded. We walked in the lab and went to the highest floor where Professor Burnet was doing her research. When we got there, Professor Burnet was talking with Professor Kukui. They both noticed us and both went emotional at the sight of Leah. Leah sweatdropped nervously. "Uh, I'm not the person you think I am. Sorry..." She said apologetically. I feel sorry for the Professors, their daughter died two years ago and they encounter her alternate version whom is looking to return to her world. All of this because of Mother's selfishness. Leah was Burnet and Kukui's daughter, she couldn't be replaced. It's sad. My best friend, my brother's crush, the Professors' daughter is gone, but her alternate version isn't. It's a terrible sight to see. Considering she had a talk with Gladion, he must feel worse than he already was. If Mother found this Leah, she won't hesitate to give her the same fate as our Leah had. "So uh What brings you in my lab, Leah?" Professor Burnet asked. "Well, uh I'm from an alternate version of Alola. Meaning I'm really not who you think I am." Leah stated. Hau then ran inside. He was going on about his fascination with the Ultra Beast. "The Ultra Beasts are real, I have seen them all over my Alola summoning themselves on their own. I know that because my friends and I are the Ultra Guardians." Leah explained. "Hey Leah how did you came here in the first place?" I asked her. "Uh let's see, I was training on Ten Carat Hill in my world and an Ultra Wormhole appeared and dragged me in it." She explained. Leah gasped. "Uh I remembered I have some errands to run, uh I'll see you soon then!" Leah said as she dashed towards the elevator and disappeared afterwards.

Leah's P.O.V

I ran out of the lab and tried to find my way to Route 8. I am completely confused with the current events that happened earlier so I just left. Here I am walking towards Akala Roadside Motel, looking for Gladion. It then started raining, much to my annoyance as I was approaching Akala Roadside Motel. I knocked on Gladion's room, it's a matter of respect everyone. There were no answer so I barged in. When I got in Gladion was just standing there. "Hello!" I greeted, I was trying to be nice, but Gladion rejected it. "Get Out." Was the only two words he told me. Respecting his wish, I went for the door, when I grabbed the door knob, what he said was the last thing I'd expected. "Actually Please don't..." He told me, his voice was breaking, when I looked at him, he was tearing up and I didn't know why. Whatever happened to him has caused him emotional pain and I can tell. Knowing Gladion from my world, I know that expressing himself is a little hard for him because of all the bullying he's been through, just imagine him. I want to help him all I can, but he doesn't want to talk about his past. That's his choice and I respect that, but he needs friends, he needs to feel loved, he needs to be respected. I doubt that he ever felt those things at all from anyone except from Lillie and this world's Leah. It's just painful for me to see him like this. "You know I did said that Lusamine in my world is actually really kind. If she ever did hurt you or Lillie, well she can go die in a hole." I told him, but I think I made matters worse. I hugged him, trying to comfort him, but my sudden action only made him flinch. Type: Null layed there watching what was going on as if choosing on chasing me away or not. "I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have said that." I told him. "I-it's fine, I could tell you were trying to cheer me up." He told me. "D-do you wanna talk about it?" I asked, to be honest I am nervous, I don't know how this will go down. He looked at me, his emerald eyes staring at my Icy blue ones. Gladion then spoke up. "No." He told me, his voice was still breaking, I need to do something to help him, but he just won't accept my aid.

Krystal was watching the interactions and understood what was going on. He finally gave in and sat on his bed and gestured me to sit next to him. I know now that I shouldn't be too sudden with him, unlike the Gladion back home whom is super chill about my over excitement that can result in sudden behaviors. I did get excited and thrown myself on the bed as I always do, that also made the boy sitting next to me flinch. One because he doesn't know me that well, two there's his past that I don't know about, and three Lusamine probably abused him, comparing from my world it is possible. This statement could also explain why he flinches so much at any kind of physical contact like a friendly hug, a little massage, and even just sitting next to him in an over excited matter. Which leads me to theorize this. Lusamine from my world is kind, but she wasn't always there for Lillie and Gladion. I was there for them when they needed me the most and I still am. I can tell that in this universe it's a different case. Lillie ran away with Nebby and Gladion Type: Null. Wait a minute ran away? The Lillie and Gladion from my world have free will, here they had to run away for their freedom. So I theorize that Lusamine indeed did abused them. I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him, but he flinches once again. He's not talking and I don't think he wants to talk about this. I really hope he'll open up though...

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