Chapter 7 Home Sweet Home?

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Gladion's P.O.V

We began our battle as Umbreon ran straight in, I guess it wanted to battle. "Well then, Krystal show them your cold icy glare!" Leah told her Ice Type partner as she threw the Luxury Ball in the air as Krystal appeared. "Glaceon, Glace, Glace!" She cried. "Alright, Krystal. Start this off with Hail!" Leah exclaimed. Krystal's evaness grew, making it challenging for me, but I guess I'll have to do with what I have. "Umbreon use Shadow Ball!" I told Umbreon. Just when I thought that Shadow Ball hit, Krystal was left unscrashed. She dodged it! "Eh?" I asked. "Ha ha ha! Krystal use Ice Beam!" Leah told Krystal. I told Umbreon to use Foul Play, but Leah kept telling Krystal to dodge at every single one of my attempts. That's when Leah did a fatal blow with Subzero Slammer. And I lost the battle as always.

After we spent the whole day doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Well Leah was tired, can't complain with that. After doing nothing all day, I decided to bunk at the mansion thinking that Leah might want her bed to herself. Which by the next morning was a bad idea to start with since Lillie woke me up at freaking eight in the morning! "Oh come on, you lazy ass, wake up!!!!" She yelled. "Gee thanks for the compliment, Lillie!" I retorted to my sister whom was really unimpressed. She came with an idea and I didn't like the sound of it. "You gotta get prepared for your date with Leah, Gladion." She told me. I got up since she wasn't going to leave me alone unless she really set up a date or she just used this as an excuse to wake me up. Whatever it was it worked. Luckily for me she left. Once I got downstairs I was greeted by Lillie's Classmates and Ash. Yeah she set that up. I yawned still half awake. "What are you doing?" I asked in annoyance. "Looking for food!" Ash exclaimed. I sighed, typical Ash. "Ash you need to relax on the food." Sophocles told Ash. I gave them an unimpressed look. "Lillie said something about a date, whatever that is." Ash said. "Ash you're so dense, you're oblivious to the fact that Leah is Gladion's girlfriend." Kiawe told Ash. "Isn't that like having a friend that is a girl?" Ash asked. "That's it I'm done!" I told them, as I walked back to my room. "No Ash, it just means that Leah and Gladion are romantically involved." I heard Sophocles tell Ash. "Huh?" Ash said. "It's pointless to explain him that stuff Sophocles, he's oblivious to love." Kiawe told Sophocles. I just want my sleep seriously! I hope Leah is fearing better than I am.

Leah's P.O.V

I was sleeping peacefully dreaming about uh Gladion and I until Lillie walked in and woke me up from my beautiful sexual dream I was having. Yes I'm freaking weird. I am Dirty minded for a reason. I woke up, still a little drowsy. I groaned. "What Lillie?" I asked clearly annoyed. "Can't you see I was in the middle of a great dream about me and Gladion." I told her. "Keep having those sexual fantasies, it might happen someday." She told me. I sighed in annoyance and went in the kitchen. I was greeted by Lana, Mallow, and of course Lillie. "Lillie, I swear Arceus that you are dead to me if you set up something weird!" I told her. She just chuckled. "What happened to hoes before bros, Leah?" Mallow asked. "Does it matter?" I asked in annoyance as I grabbed some milk and a glass and poured the milk in it and went for some toasts. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" Lana told me. "Well it's not my fault SOMEONE interrupted my dream!" I shot back. Lillie looked at me with an annoyed look. "I'm assuming you are here to prepare me for Lillie's little game." I told them. They nodded. "Do you still have that dress that you wore at the dance party?" Lillie asked me. "Yes. That's the dress that got Gladion a boner for the rest of the night. What are you up to, Lillie?" I said in a serious tone. Lillie smirked. I don't like where this is going. I really don't like what she's up to. "Lillie, I really don't like that look on your face!" I told her with a very serious tone. I went to get changed in that dress, much to my annoyance, Arceus bail me out of this, I hate dresses, I flipping do. I'm pissed, paranoid, and annoyed because of Lillie. "You are not putting cosmetics on my face." I told them. "Alright, alright, but let me at least straight your hair." Lillie told. I groaned. "Fine." I told her. I hope Gladion is fearing better than I am.

Much Later, Mallow left to her restaurant while I was having a conversation with the remaining girls as the boys arrived at the door. The girls and I heard a knock on the front door. "That must be them!" Lillie cheerfully said. I walked at the door and opened it. I was surprised to see Gladion wearing something fancy possibly a tuxedo, it's really not his style. "She got you too?" I asked him. "Apparently. N-not that I'm complaining, you look amazing!" He told me. I blushed. "T-thanks, you do too." I replied. "Well should we get going?" He asked. I nodded. Krystal and Umbreon followed us of course. We arrived at Mallow's restaurant as we didn't wanted anything extremely fancy, I mean we just are teenagers. I just ordered some apple juice and some Combusken wings. I don't have much of an appetite compared to Gladion who ordered a poutine. Of course we were the priority, Lillie planed this. Oh well, Suck it up buttercup. I started eating my food.

Lillie's P.O.V

We decided to spy on them because I wanted to send some pictures to Mother. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Lillie?" Kiawe asked me. "Yeah, Gladion can get scary when he's really angry." Ash said fearfully. "They also have their Pokémon with them." Lana stated. I was taking more pictures until Ash took my phone as I tried to grab it back to take more pictures, I didn't realize that in the process of fighting for the phone, my flash went off. "Abort mission, Abort! Abort!" I said not too loud. "Give me a minute." I heard Gladion say. He got up as Leah followed. They gave me an angry death glare. If looks could kill, I would've been dead. "I have a good reason, I swear!" I squeaked. Gladion was clearly pissed. "You better have a good explanation." He told me. Leah was pissed, but she was trying to calm him down. He just stormed outside as Leah followed.

Third P.O.V

"You sure you'll be alright?" Leah asked. Gladion nodded. "Well we'll have to pay for the food..." Leah told him. "Don't remind me." Gladion replied. Leah chuckled and hugged Gladion.

Back inside, "You know what, Mallow? I'll pay for them, I ruined their evening, I might as well pay their dinner." Lillie told Mallow. "I think that's a good idea." Kiawe said. And with that Lillie paid Her brother and his girlfriend's food and went outside. "I-i just wanted to say I'm sorry and I paid your dinner." Lillie told them. Gladion nodded and left, Leah followed for his sake. Leah and Gladion agreed to stay at Leah's house and chill for the night.

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