Image Comics

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Poor DC Comics. I have a new contender. My comic book companies ranked from top to bottom are Marvel, Image, and DC. Once DC gets their own Spider-Man, Silver Surfer, or Spawn, then I'll talk with them. For now... let me just say I love Image Comics.


Name: Chastity (no other names)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Tier: Platinum

Hair Color/Length: In her "invisible form", her hair is white. In her "normal" form, her hair is brown

Eye Color: Blue-green hazel

Height: 5'6"

Species: Angel

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Pale skin, pink lips, rosy cheeks (especially when she's cold), very faint freckles across her nose

Personality: Chastity is really stubborn when it comes to her enemies. When she's with the ones she loves, she is peaceful and quiet. She likes to be in their presence. When she's with Spawn, she becomes very protective of him and of the innocent people of Earth. Whenever the Violator comes, she instantly gets angry, but not out of control angry. She never gets out of control, because she is an angel of God. When in the Violator's presence, she becomes protective of Spawn and the people, angry at him for showing up, disgusted, and warrior-like.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): Chase (Piety calls her this sometimes, but mostly calls her by her first name. Spawn always calls her this), and the Violator calls her many vulgar nicknames

Talents: Being a Protector Angel, Chastity can fight. Even though she doesn't pick fights or hunt demons, she can still protect herself and others if the demon starts fighting first. Chastity isn't as good at fighting as the warrior angels, but she can defeat almost any demon. Next to that she has an amazing singing voice that has powers which will be explained later.

Her Hero Name: The Protector

Her Fave Color: Dark blue and purple

Her Song: TBA

Powers: Remember when I said I was going to talk about her singing powers? Well, when she sings, she can put anyone with good in them at ease. That means any human PLUS Spawn. She uses it to calm Spawn down most of the time, but he also sees her comforting humans when sad or angry. She can summon a light shield in front of her (even though it can be broken easily, it's supposed to give her a moment to get the person she's protecting get away). With the same material as the light shield, she can make a ball of blue and white light which she normally uses to blind the demons. Her last and least used power is to fade into the human world. See, when she's in her full angelic form only Spawn, demons, and angels can see and hear her. When she shifts to appear human, her hair changes from white to brown and people can see her. She does give them her real name whenever people ask because there's really no harm in it.

Weapons/Items: Attached to the back of her forearms are half moon shaped objects. They aren't that sharp, but she isn't really able to kill anything either. Just defend herself, Spawn, and the innocent.

Super Smash Brothers Fighter?: No.

Outfit: Chastity wears a darker blue dress with white clothes on underneath. She is extremely modest and hates showing skin unless it's her hands and face. She has a golden halo and golden armor around her torso. She also has golden cuffs around her wrists. Her light blue scarf represents her protector status as Mary was the protector of her son. The white that is all around her body represents her purity and her commitment to her duty as protector of Spawn.

 The white that is all around her body represents her purity and her commitment to her duty as protector of Spawn

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A Bit of Backstory: Chastity was created by God to watch over the Spawn named Albert. Unlike the guardian and warrior angels, Chastity is the protector of a being that isn't living and she can only fight when someone fights her first. She can't kill anything, but she can defeat them if that makes sense. That's honestly most that you need to know about her, it's really simple. The only other thing is Spawn's demon called the Violator. Basically, Chastity and the Violator were made to oppose each other. She's trying to direct Spawn back to God, and he is trying to make sure Spawn does the bidding of the devil. She main weapons are her words, and she uses her sharp tongue to put the Violator in his place. Of course she does everything in her power to help Spawn out because that is what she was made to do. That's it, pretty sweet and simple. Just a long battle of good vs. evil.

Nemesis: The Violator, the Violator, the FREAKING VIOLATOR. Chastity doesn't cuss, so I won't either. Oh my goodness did the show do him justice and I hate it. He is so terrible - the show producers literally made a perfect demon. She also is constantly fighting against Angela because Angela is a loose cannon who wants to kill Spawn.

Love Interest: So Chastity reassures Spawn all the time that he is loved, and whenever he asks who loves him she always responds, "I love you." That's kinda from a protection standpoint though, like an older sister to put it in perspective. Spawn slightly develops feelings for her near the end because he realizes she is the only one who actually likes him (besides God, but he knows for sure that Chastity is always with him). They're never able to get together though because she must stay pure, plus Spawn doesn't want to use Chastity to get over his wife. So no, she doesn't have a love interest, but has a very strong brotherly sisterly relationship with Spawn.

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