Helluva Boss

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Just don't ask.


Name: Holly Rachel Bettyy

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Tier: Platinum

Hair Color/Length: Bright blonde, the back reaches her chin and the sides reach her shoulders

Eye Color: Light bluish-grey

Height: 5'9"

Species: Human

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Her bangs are very bouncy and go over half her forehead (her left, our right when we look at her), her hair is straight and on the thin side, her skin is very fair because she usually does not see the sun that often (yet her hands are a tad freckled).

Personality: Holly is not very aware of her surroundings for many reasons, but this proves useful because she doesn't care that her friends are literal demons. She tries to be happy most of the time, but struggles at some points throughout the show to show her real side and the problems she faces. She does know how to have fun, however, and will take any opportunity to be with her three besties and help them whenever they have a mission on Earth (not like she knows what she's helping them with... I'll explain how later). She is kind of an introvert because she enjoys whatever her friends are doing. She is polite and respectful, but can lose her temper if people make her do things she does not approve of.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): No-eyes (only at first), Sunny, Sunflower

Talents: She is very good at detecting emotions and being empathetic toward someone going through a rough time, and is a great listener. Holly can't play music, but likes to keep the beat and has learned over the years what different notes sound like. She likes to run and is very fast, and actually has an oddly good sense of direction. She can read in braille, but likes it when people read things out loud to her.

Her Fave Color: "I'm not sure, but I've heard pink is quite lovely!"

Her Song: "My favorite is Across the Wind by Doug Spata. It's something I would really like to learn on the piano if I could!"

Powers: Noooooothing

Weapons/Items: Uhhh... I'm going to save this for the outfit.

Super Smash Brothers Fighter?: Pfft.

Outfit: I'll make a collage for it later, but for now I shall describe it. She likes wearing a blush pink turtleneck long-sleeved crop-top because it's loose and gives her the opportunity to move around. Along with this is a pink, dark grey, and black plaid skirt which is also loose-fitting. She wears light grey mid-calf boots that are fuzzy inside and her hair is always down with a huge, pink bow in the back (same shade as her top). She also likes to wear her earth and water bracelets (one blue and one regular) on her right arm. Whenever she is outside (usually) she wears round, black-tinted glasses and holds a walking cane.

A Bit of Backstory: Holly is blind if you couldn't tell from her descriptions already. Everyone is unsure of how or why she is blind, but figure it has something to do with genetics since she seems perfectly healthy. This is why throughout the show she never freaks out when she runs into Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie. She just simply doesn't know they're demons. During their first interaction, Holly is escaping from a crowd trying to get a closer look at the jerk-y woman I.M.P. was hired to kill. She literally trips over Blitzo because of how small he is and spills her hot drink all over him. At first, he is enraged but she apologizes over and over again. The trio come to realize that she can't see them, not knowing they're demons, and decide to use that to their advantage and make her repay them by buying them now clothes to fit in. This is how they become friends, and Moxxie in particular becomes rather fond of Holly. They end up asking her where to find the house of the woman they were hired to kill and help them get there, unknowingly helping them in the murder. This goes on for the rest of their adventures on Earth, using Holly to be their human helper (of course, she has no idea what they really are and the imps can't let Hell know about her either). Whenever she is in trouble, they go out of their way to help her because they don't want her dead. They play it off as "if she's dead, she can't help them" but in reality they've grown a soft spot for her. They get so close to her that they see a side of her that's insecure about her being blind and she opens up to them, which is very astonishing to be honest and is something they weren't expecting. In the future, they will grow as a family and the imps will learn of a way to heal her eyes. But, if they heal her then she will she accept them for who they are? nidaewovoire The feels.

Nemesis: She really, really for some reason can not stand Millie. Even though I personally like her, she gets jealous of Millie a lot throughout the show.

Love Interest: NOPE.

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