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Here is my first OC for Invincible. Yes, OCs are getting a little childish for me, but I have to keep practicing making characters sooo...

ALSO READERS, VERY IMPORTANT BEFORE YOU CONTINUE. Spoilers for episode 1, and probably minor spoilers for future episodes as well!


Come back AFTER you watch episode one. If you don't wanna watch it, I get it. The show is VERY GOREY.


Name: Micah (my-k-ah) Adriana Lurquoise

Age: 21, but her exact age is unknown to the cast

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual and Lithromantic (which is very shown in the comics, not really in the show yet!)

Tier: Platinum (as far as the show goes. I have never read the comics!)

Hair Color/Length: Just past her shoulders, very light brown

Eye Color: Normal color is green

Here are her diamond eye colors and what they mean...

Black: Neutral. This happens when she keeps her emotions in check, so no one can tell what she's feeling

Red: Anger, rage, and hatred. Self explanatory.

Blue: Uncontrolled sadness, depression, or grieving

Yellow: Extreme anxiety, confusion, helplessness, or fear

Pink: Jubilant love or happiness that must be expressed or else she will metaphorically explode

Height: 5'3"

Species: Human, experimented on as a guinea pig to save her dying sister

Appearances Not Yet Listed: Micah has pale skin which is sometimes transparent whenever she is in the middle of "phasing" (the condition where Micah loses control of her emotions as a human and almost accidentally turns her powers on), she has very prominent freckles on her nose and some faded ones on her cheeks and chin, she is right handed, and her hair is mostly worn in a high ponytail (even through her suit, with a few exceptions)

Personality: As a kid, she was very outgoing and rambunctious, but now things have changed and almost spun a complete 180. She is completely silent, only allowing herself to make noises through her throat. Because of her lack of talking, she becomes very shy and anxious around other people because she never thinks they will listen to what she has to "say". However, just because she is quiet and shy doesn't mean she will stand up to any bs. If you hit her the wrong way or toy with a sensitive subject, you better run because her eyes will turn into red diamonds and you won't last ten seconds. She seems all nice and innocent, given her silence and small stature, but if you say one wrong thing you'll instantly regret it.

Other Name(s)/Nickname(s): Mica (mee-kah), Diamond, Sterling, Rainbow

Hero Name: Priceless (omg you guys have no idea how much I love and hate this hero name. I hate it because Machine Head calls her this and vnjfenovnnjeronv)

Talents: Micah as a kid loved to run, and she was very good at it after having placed head of the state (NY) her freshman year of high school. On top of that, she liked to act and lead speeches in her speech and drama class at school back when she could talk. (Wait, she can't talk anymore? Well, better keep reading and find out!) Now that she has her powers and is fighting alongside literal gods (aka, the Guardians of the Globe), she focuses on her training so she can become a better hero. She also knows the basic ASL.

Her Fave Color: Black, because it's the color her eyes are normally while she is using her powers. When her eyes are black diamonds, that means no one can tell what she's thinking and she has her emotions under control.

Her Song: TBA

Powers: She can make her entire skin covered in white diamonds (her eyes changing the color of diamond depending on what she's thinking while her powers are being used), and always forms from her hands. She can then form weapons from her hands and feet, her go-to being a pair of diamond scythes. It's not a shield, however, it's really her skin. That means whenever she gets hit, it still hurts although it may hurt less than normal.

Weapons/Items: Just anything she chooses to materialize out of her hands for combat. Sometimes she can make her feet bigger as well to crush an opponent.

Super Smash Brothers Fighter?: No

Outfit: (will make later)

A Bit of Backstory: Micah used to have a family. Yeah, "used" to. She also used to be normal. She wasn't born with her powers, but after her younger sister started dying from an unknown disease, she became the primary guinea pig to try and find a cure. Her parents (although they were only professors at the local university) took it into their own hands to try and find this cure since no doctor was willing to help a dying cause. Micah never knew this, but her parents got all this lab equipment and resources from none other than Machine Head, NY's finest drug-dealing overlord and professional jerk. They promised to pay him double of what they used if they were ever able to cure their daughter, but things didn't go as planned. See, Micah's family wasn't exactly rich and they knew they would never be able to pay Machine Head back, so he sent a few powered up villains after them once they finally cured Micah's sister. The lab was destroyed, and everything was a blur to Micah. She woke up, alone, her diamond powers shielding her from the collapsed rubble. She had one last conversation with her sister before she died of toxins, but it was enough to inform her of who did this. Machine Head. Her sister knew who he was because her parents would talk about him funding their research while mixing medicine they were about to give her. So, Micah, in a fit of rage (having turned 17 that day as well), stormed into Machine Head's quarters and fought with him. She would have won too, had she been more experienced with her powers and the entire villain squad hadn't shown up. Machine Head was perplexed by her display of fierce fighting, but he was more impressed with her power itself. He loves money, and he loves diamonds. In order to get back the money her parents owed him, he makes her become a worker of his. The more times she gets into fights and sheds diamonds, the more she can pay him back. But, he was never going to let her go once the payment was covered. After one year of working for him (at this point Micah already dropped out of high school and ended ties with all her friends), she decided enough was enough and threatened to turn him into the feds. He... uh... didn't take that well and had her tongue removed. Literally. He threatened to do the same thing to her hands if she ever were to slip and "say" anything. "Oh, and darling, I also require my annual payments. Don't forget, or I'll hunt you down and force your hand~"

Thaaaaaaat's right. He STILL makes her pay him diamonds every year. Did you think he was going to unwrap her from his finger? This is why after every fight, she can be seen picking up loose diamonds that fell off her arms and putting them into a bag.

Here is some extra info regarding the show: She is there at the funeral to honor Green Ghost and the Martian because they were her role models as a hero. Her big episode is number five where she finally gets her revenge on Machine Head for having her family killed and her tongue... removed. She never joined the Guardians of the Globe because she was an armature and never good enough. We see her at the funeral, but also in the tryouts for the new Guardians of the Globe, but she doesn't get in at first. She gets offered to replace Atom and Eve after she leaves, but declines after explaining she has more personal matters to take care of. She will still help in fights, mainly the alien invasion fight episode two and the office fight in episode five. In that office fight with Machine Head and his villains, she gets veryyyy beat up, but is still able to stand and get Monster Girl, Invincible, and Sampson out of the room and into a flipping ambulance.

Nemesis: Machine Head. His voice... lol! I applause those editors, they really did him justice.

Love Interest: None

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