When mice leaves the hole

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It may be dark inside the hole
but I guess it's safe not to see the light.
A light that the origin does not exist
Yet, it gives us omniscient-like eyes.
I was once on that dark side.
Fear, anxiety, eagerness; they won't leave me undone.
I'm afraid to demise without getting a cheese.
I had a dream of wandering in broad light.
I was always curious bout' the world outside.
I decided to peak; little by little.

Didn't I know the danger awaits me?
I let my curiosity invade my being.
I was caught off-guard,
I have witnessed what I shouldn't have.
And, now, the culprit is after me.
I run until the darkness replaced the light.
I thought the coast is clear, but he's standin' still.
I can't feel the numbness of my feet the cat is grinning like a devil.
Now his white fangs shine like a moonlight.
His claw shed and devour all my purity & blood.
I can't take it.
I knew.
It is the aftermath of too much desire.
Now I remember how the firefly died because of the light.

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