Chapter 8 *edited*

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"Asshole," Eva said, shoving him once they got out of the hospital, "I can't believe you were just going to leave me like that... like..."

"I wasn't trying to kill myself if you were curious. That's why I didn't go to the messed-up part of the hospital."

"Then how did you manage to take that many pills at one point!" She yelled, facing towards him.

"I wasn't paying attention," he said while avoiding eye contact.


"You want to know the truth? I tried to stop. I didn't take them for almost the entire day and after I felt like I couldn't move I dumped some in my hand and downed them. I wasn't paying attention.

There was an awkward pause between them, while Neil looked embarrassed and aggravated, Eva looked sad and tired. Of course, he wouldn't have asked for help. That was how Neil Watts was, never ask him questions and never offer him help. 

"You don't have to go through it alone..." She bit her tongue.

He looked like he was struggling to say something, so she pried just a bit more.

"You can tell me anything."

"I just... I've always gone through everything alone. I...I can't let anyone in because the more you let in the more you lose and- I can't lose you, Eves."

He was so vulnerable, so afraid. She'd never seen him like this before. Through all the years she'd known him, she'd never seen him cry. Now, his walls were crumbling down and she could see this person she thought she knew well opening new and unexpected doors that she'd never think she'd see. She thought that's how it was between them.

She wrapped her arms around him as he tensed up, "You're not going to lose me, I'll be here with you no matter what," He loosened up and hugged her back.

"Thank you..." They pulled away and she saw him fighting off tears.

"You're going to be okay, alright?"

"Yeah... I will be," He flashed a sad smile and took her hand, "let's go home."

My Wish *the entire story changed lol if you read this before it's different*Where stories live. Discover now