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It does not matter anymore. 

Some day it hurts, some day it numbs me. 

One day you are here and everything is fine. I was up till three am counting down on our days and feeling all the bliss, wondering how I made it through those nights painting smiles on my face. 

One day you are here but the next day you are not- 


it hurts when I am not your go to 'good morning' and 'good night'. Just because I kept my eyes closed does not mean I am blind. 

It is devouring me day by day, not knowing when you are here or when you vanished. 

Gets a little taxing to be your friend because of the feelings I have for you. It is not your fault really but I can not help how I feel. 

I swallowed too many phlegms of pain and fought through the burning flames in my heart. I can not help how I feel but I keep them captivated in walls of my own heart. I hear them pounding every night Carter and on certain moons, they surge through my veins crushing me alive. 

It is hard to breathe on some nights but it does not matter to you does it. 

You get to go to sleep completely sane, having tucked into bed by another girl while I try to vanquish the demons taunting me awake. 

You keep her pinned on your mind Carter. 

But just so you know, you better keep it low. 

I am walking on the streets with barely any breath in me, I stumble through roads and pavements trying to find at least a little nirvana. 

My eyes roam voraciously and if I see you 

and her 

and I swear to God, 

you will never hear from me again. 

You can fuck me, 

deliver delicacies, 

tell me you 'miss me'. 

All for nothing. 

Chapter twelve: 

I got a terrible enemy and ally. 

She is pride. 

She is the reason why I am in cuffs with blood dripping on the rust. 

Sing me a song Carter, my words are beginning to lose control. You hear the little seconds cramming into minutes and you can feel the beats crashing against your ears. 

You can think I am blind but I hear the conversations and I smell the perfume and I can taste the art of fabrication while you lay next to me. 

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