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"Ho Ho Ho!" A voice cheered, bursting into the apartment via kicking open the door.

Eli jumped, nearly ruining his intricate skeleton face paint. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips together, exhaling through his nostrils to try and control his annoyance.


"For the LAST time, Huo. Wrong holiday." He snapped, turning to look at the rowdy boy still standing in the doorway. He looked rather out of place in the cutesy apartment in his joker costume. Sometimes, green hair is convenience.

"You've clearly never seen Nightmare Before Christmas." Minseok laughed, coming out of his room wearing an expensive Captain America costume.

"Is that another American movie?" Eli asked, turning to look at the younger boy curiously.

"Not all of us can afford private English lessons." Huo scoffed with a roll of his eyes.

"Maybe you'd be able to keep up if you payed attention during class..." Eli hinted.

"And made some better spending decisions." (Y/N) added, coming out from her bedroom holding Yena on her hip. The toddler was dressed up as Minnie Mouse, her small button nose painted black.

"Responsibility, ugh." Huo gagged.

Eli, in the meantime, narrowed his eyes at (Y/N), "And you, Where is your costume?"

"I am wearing a costume." (Y/N) argues, curling her upper lip to show off her false vampire teeth.

Eli deadpanned.


"Wait wait wait, it gets better." (Y/N) mumbled, reaching into her back pocket to get a small package. She took out a red pill and stuck it in between her teeth to show it to the others in the room.

"Sthee thith?" She asked.

"Yeth." Huo said, mocking her temporary lisp.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and used her tongue to tuck the small pill between her molars and but down. Her face displayed disgust, the unpleasant taste of artificial cherry filling her mouth. The next time she opened her mouth, it was filled with thick red liquid, looking like it was straight from a horror film.

Yena promptly burst into tears, screaming bloody murder.

"Ohh, baby~" Eli cooed, getting up and holding his hands out for the child. (Y/N) handed her over and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Thorry..." she apologized, her words slurred from trying to keep all of the nasty tasting fake blood in her mouth.

"Don't worry, I got her." Eli reassured.

"Fuckin dumbass!" Huo cackled.

"Language!" (Y/N) and Eli both snapped at the same time, some red liquid falling out of her mouth causing Yena to shriek again.

"Fuck, my bad." (Y/N) apologized, using her hand to cover her mouth "Shit, I'm so sorry, bad word."

"Just go clean yourself up." Eli sighed, patting his daughter's back.

(Y/N) nodded and rushed to the bathroom. A few minutes after she emerged, clean and ready to go trick or treating.

Huo came walking back from a house with Minseok, who was holding Yena's hand.

"I'm pissed. Three housing so far have giving out pennies and raisins. This sucks." He grumbled.

"Cruel and unusual." Eli agreed dramatically, picking up Yena. "Are you not getting any candy?" He asked in the goofy voice he reserved only for his daughter. The girl giggled and tried to shovel a handful of pennies into her mouth.

(Y/N) gently grabbed her little wrist and took the pennies from Yena's chubby hands. "No no no, those aren't for numnums." She scolded.

"Ew, baby slang." Huo groaned.

"Shut up." (Y/N) snapped, her cheeks flushing. She really needs to stop hanging around Eli so much.

They made their way to the next house, which was very well decorated. Spider webs hung around, fake limbs and giant spiders caught in them. There was also a fog machine and some creepy music playing.

Before Minseok, Huo and Yena could make their ay up towards the house, a group of dressed up children ran away from the house, screaming and crying.

"I'm gonna sit this one out." Huo decided.

"But this house has always had the best candy!" Minseok whined. "Come on, I don't want to go alone." He pouted.

"Nah, I'd rather not have shi- doodoo in my pants for the rest of the night." Huo said.

"BAbY sLaNg." (Y/N) teased, earning her a middle finger.

Minseok and Yena both turned to give (Y/N) puppy eyes.

"Why don't you ask him?" She sighed, pointing at Eli.

"Because he's not scary enough to scare the monsters." Minseok said bluntly.

"Hey!" Eli whined. "I can protect you guys just fine!"

"You're right." (Y/N) agreed, smirking at Eli. "Let's go."

As they walked down the foggy drives Yena whimpered in fear and hid her face in (Y/N)'s neck while Minseok walked behind her, clutching to her sweater's sleeve.

Suddenly, somebody jumped out from the smoke,

"RRAAAH-... (Y/N)?"


The boy lifted his scary mask and the two teens stared at each other for a few seconds.



"Are you trick or treating?" Zack asked with a laugh.

"I'm with these scaredy cats." (Y/N) explained, motioning towards the two children with her.

"Ah, nice costumes." Zack said awkwardly. "What are you dressed as?" He asked (Y/N).

"A vampire."

"Sweet. Well, you guys can go up to the house then, I guess.."


They walked past Zack, cringing.

"That was the most uncomfortable interaction I've ever had to witness." Minseok stage whispered.

"Shut up, nerd." (Y/N) hissed.

The made it up to the door, and (Y/N) nearly groaned when she saw who opened the door.

Mira was dressed as Dorothy, holding a basket full of cheap candy.

"(Y/N)? Are you trick or treating?" She asked in disbelief.

(Y/N) sighed, "goddamnit." How the hell is she seeing all of these people she knows??

"Bad word!" Minseok scolded.

"Shit, sorry. Uhh, trick or treat." She said, holding out her hand and the two children she was with held out their buckets.

Mira giggled and gave them candy.

"Thanks." All three of the trick or treaters chorused before walking back down the driveway.

"Happy Halloween!" Mira called after them.

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