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Ever since Heemin was younger, being handsome got him whatever he wanted. That led to him being older, and thinking that being handsome could allow him to have whoever he wanted.

"So you like me too?" He asked, unbuttoning his pants. "How could you not love me? It's been hard to get this job, I had to steal my brother's records."

(Y/N) ignored him, her eyes darting around to try and find her where her bag had gone. She didn't even feel it fall off, where the hell is it?

"It's too bad I have to escape here again, I like it here with all the girls."

He put his fingers under (Y/N)'s chin and tilted her head up so she would look at him.

"You know what? I kinda like your face."

(Y/N) tried to look away, but Zeus roughly dug his fingers into the side of her face and made her look at him.

"Come on, open up." He tightened just grip and tried to force her jaw open. When she didn't cooperate, he forced his fingers into her mouth and tried to pry it open wider.

He heard the sickening crunch before he felt the pain.

(Y/N) clenched her jaw and shook her head like an angry pit bull.

"You bitch!" Zeus roared, punching (Y/N) hard enough to knock her unconscious so she would release his fingers.

He pulled his hand away to inspect the damage and frowned.


His ring, middle and index finger were bleeding and bent at unnatural angles. His eye twitched before he smiled again.

"Crazy girls are so cute!!"
When Zack went to visit Mira one last time before bed, he was expecting at least a hello. Instead, what he got was

"Zack, have you seen (Y/N) walking around?" Mira asked.

"What? No."

"She said she was getting snacks before coming to bed and she never came back." Zoe grumbled, crossing her arms.

"She must be in another room, come drink with me~" Yui tried to invite Zack inside.

'That's weird, she wouldn't be hanging out with anybody else because Daniel and Duke are asleep. Is she really just wandering around?'

"Zack, Let's drink!"

"I'll see you tomorrow." Zack said, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking off.

"If you see (Y/N) tell her to hurry back!" Mira called after him.


Just as Zack turned the corner, Zoe got a call from an unknown answer.

"Hello?" She answered impatiently.

"Zoe, it's me, Daniel from the store."

Zoe perked up, "Goodness, how'd you get my number?" She asked happily.

"I got it from Daniel."

"Why? Why my number?"

"Listen, Zoe. I have a favor to ask..."

Next thing he knew, Daniel was sitting up in his bed in the other body.

"He told me to wake you up, he said it's urgent." Zoe explained.

"Ah... Um... thank you Zoe."

Daniel was too busy coming up with a course of action to help Zoe with her infatuation with his other body.

'I couldn't report this situation from the store! I have to report this as an eye witness. I have to report this quickly.'

Because they took his cellphone away, Daniel had to use one of the pay phones out in the hallway.

"Yes, I saw him on the most wanted list. Yes... I'm not sure."

"Because you are in the mountains and there are no concerns of him escaping, it will take at least 30 minutes. Please don't miss our call." The operator instructed.

"Yes... I'll answer." Daniel promised, 'Okay... now I'll have to stay here and wait for the call.'

At the end of the hallway, he heard a thud. He looked up and saw Zack standing there.

Zack's facial expression...

"Uhh, Zack?"

Instead of answering, Zack sprinted off in the other directions.

"Shit, (Y/N)!"

Was something I'd never seen before.

"Hey, keep it down! Does (Y/N) owe you money or something? I knew she didn't have money for those snacks, but she still left." Zoe scoffed, irritated with her bed buddy's sudden disappearance.

"Oh, Zoe, what's going on?"

"(Y/N)'s been missing for a while."

Daniel gasped.

The next time (Y/N) came back into consciousness, she found Zeus trying to pull down her pajama bottoms.

Her eyes went wide and she tried to kick him off, struggling for a bit.

"I don't know why you keep fighting, it just turns me on!"

He tried to shift closer again, so his face would be hovering over her's, his drool nearly dripping onto her face.

A bad move to make when he doesn't have her hands pinned down. (Y/N) took the chance to shove her thumb into his eye and then finally kicked Zeus off of her.

She ran to her backpack, the bruises Zeus had left on her legs were more painful than what she had expected, causing her to stumble clumsily.

Once she reached the bag, Zeus had managed to crawl at an inhuman speed and grab her foot and yank on it causing (Y/N) to fall and knock her chin on the ground.

This made her bite her tongue, an irony taste filling her mouth. Zeus dragged her back to him, but she refused to let her bag go again.

"Would you hold still? Damn, this isn't cute anymore."

Once his face got uncomfortably close again, (Y/N) spit the blood in her mouth onto Zeus's face, distracting him.

"Ew! What the fuck?!"

Zeus stood on his knees and tried to wipe off with face and reached for (Y/N)'s face, probably to hit her again. But instead of soft skin, his hand was met with a swipe of something sharp, slicing through his palm.

"What the hell?!" He fell back, holding his hand close to his chest.

(Y/N) scrambled to her feet and stood over Zeus, panting with knife in hand. She always kept one on her, just incase.

"Damn, we need to check your bags better."

Before (Y/N) could administer anymore damage, the door to the building opened, and Zack stood in the doorway.

When he looked in, he saw (Y/N) standing over Zeus, both covered in blood.

She turned around to look at him and huffed before pulling her shorts up again, which her were still hanging dangerously low because of Zeus.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Zack growled, his protective instincts flaring at the sight of his injured friend.

She opened her mouth to speak for the first time since Zeus had attacked her.

"Don't worry about it." She slurred through a mouthful of blood.
If you see typos let me know because this is unedited

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