23: That Bloody Mirror

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"How was your Christmas Y/N?" Hermione asked, as they sat down in a Compartment in the Hogwarts Express.

Y/N thought long and hard before answering, before explaining.

It had been eventful to say the least, but enjoyable nonetheless. He told her how he had had a small birthday party on the Twelfth of December, and how he appreciated the gift she had given him, which turned out to be the latest edition of A History of Magic. But he was confused about something.

"Hermione, how did you know when my birthday was?" he asked curiously. "I looked at my pile of presents and suddenly a barn owl flew in through the window and delivered your present, it freaked out the other kids. I don't recall ever telling you my birthday."

She smiled and stared out the compartment window for a while before answering.

"Do you remember when you defended Harry from Snape in our first Potions lesson?" she said. "You said you had eight months to read your textbooks remember? That means you were given your Hogwarts letter in December. So I just told the owl to keep an eye out for a party during December."

Y/N sometimes forgot how ridiculously smart Hermione was. He continued telling her about his holidays, how the other Orphanage kids had surprisingly missed him, how they had celebrated Christmas together as they usually did, how Coconut had run off with the Christmas Turkey, how Ellie had thrown another tantrum when it was time for him to return to Hogwarts.

Hermione had seemed elated to see him and Coconut again. It hadn't really been a long holiday, but that didn't stop her from attacking Y/N in a warm hug when she saw him on Platform 9 3/4. Coconut was currently laying in her lap as they spoke, Hermione lazily rubbing her head.

"How about you? How was your Christmas?" He asked.

Hermione shrugged. "It was okay, just like any other Christmas at my house. We celebrate with my Grandma, and she can be a bit... animated at times."

Y/N immediately imagined and old, bushy haired woman who resembled Hermione, rambling on about knitting and cabbage. He chuckled at the thought. "I'm sure she is." he said, still smiling.

They chatted for a bit more before Y/N remembered something that wasn't really worth mentioning.

"Also, I had a really weird dream on the night of my birthday. But I can't remember it." he said. It was just meant to be small talk, he didn't think Hermione would take such an interest.

"Ugh." she said. "I absolutely hate it when that happens, when you can't remember a dream, the only thing that you do remember is how interesting it was."

"I know what to say mean." Y/N agreed, nodding his head. "It doesn't usually bother me, but this dream felt really interesting."

"Do you remember anything at all? Not even a small fragment?"

"Nope." he said. "All I know, is that I woke up sweating. But when I really think about it, I can sort of remember... I don't know, a girl with pink hair and a ducks beak?"

Hermione stared.

"Weird I know. Then again, it was a dream."

* * *

"You what?!" Y/N exclaimed angrily.

They were sitting in the Gryffindor common room, he and Hermione had just arrived, it was pretty late, so everyone else was sleeping in their dorms, but apparently Harry and Ron had something important to tell them. Hoping that it was about Flamel, they eagerly listened, only to be disappointed.

Harry explained how he had found the Mirror of Erised, which had shown him his family standing around him, and it showed Ron a version of himself who was Head boy, Quiddich captain, holding the house cup and the Quiddich cup. Eventually Harry had been caught by Dumbledore on his third night of visiting it, who took it surprisingly lightly and let him off, as long as he didn't attempt to look for it again.

"If Filch had caught you!" Hermione loudly stated, horrified that they had been out of bed, roaming the school three nights in a row.

Y/N was disappointed they hadn't at least found out who Nicolas Flamel was. "Come one Harry, you had the whole Christmas Holiday to look!" he scolded. "You ended up being sidetracked by that bloody mirror!"

Harry looked a little ashamed, but muttered. "I regret nothing."

They went to bed that night looking forward to going back to lessons the next day, well, maybe not Ron that much.

* * *

They had almost given up hope of ever finding Flamel in a library book, even though Harry was sure he'd read the name somewhere. Once term had started, they were back to skimming through books for ten minutes during their breaks. Harry had even less time then the rest of them, because Quiddich practice had started again.

The team was working harder than ever. The Weasleys complained that wood was becoming a fanatic. Y/N had to agree, Harry was starting to return from practice dripping wet from the rain and exhausted to a near point of collapse.

Then, Harry gave them news that made their hearts almost stop beating.

Harry was on his way back to the common room from practice and found Y/N trying to find Coconut, who apparently was hunting Mrs Norris again. They returned to the common room together, after a quick unsuccessful search for the icy white cat, to find Ron and Hermione playing chess. Chess was the only thing Hermione ever lost at, something Harry, Ron and Y/N thought was good for her.

"Don't talk to me for a moment," said Ron, when Harry sat down next to him, and Y/N sat next to Hermione. "I need to concen-" He caught the sight of Harry's face. "What's the matter with you? You look terrible."

Speaking quietly so no one else could hear, Harry told the three of them that Snape had suddenly had a sinister desire to be a Quiddich referee for their match against Hufflepuff.

"Don't play." said Hermione at once.

"Say you're ill." Said Ron.

"Pretend to break your leg." Hermione suggested.

"Really break your leg." said Y/N bluntly.

"I can't." said Harry. "There isn't a reserve Seeker. If I back out, Gryffindor can't play at all."

"What if I play Seeker?" Y/N suggested.

"You?" Ron scoffed. "You haven't played Quiddich before in your life."

"But he can ride a broom well." Hermione pointed out. "He proved that during flying lessons."

"And believe it or not Ron, I happen to be a natural sportsman." Y/N said, pretending to be smug to annoy him. Also remembering the drama in his primary school.

"Its not a bad idea actually." Harry said. "But Wood won't like it unless he sees if you're good or not. And I'm going to need a good enough excuse to not play."

"There is a downside as well as a upside to this though." Y/N reminded them. "Most of Gryffindor isn't going to be happy with me playing as Seeker. But if we win, maybe it'll make the Gryffindors accept me and stop bugging me."

"But if we lose," Hermione continued, "You'll be hated even more."

There was a silence for a while, Hermione gave Y/N a worried look.

"Well then," he said eventually, getting up from his seat. "I'll just have to make sure I don't lose. Come on Harry, let's go and see Wood."

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