Chapter 2

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I sat onto my assigned seat back at the academy. I was actually really upset today. Yet no one knew about it because I had this fake persona on. Its not surprising everyone thinks I'm stupid and weak. That happy go lucky kid, if only they knew. If only they knew the truth.

I was sat right next to the infamous Sasuke Uchiha. That was when I heard Sakura and Ino running down the hallway. I sighed a bit. I noticed Sasuke looking at me weirdly. So I decided I would look at him weirdly too. This caused him to glare at me. So I glared right back at him, but I just laughed right afterwards. Until Sakura roughly grabbed me and threw me out of the seat. I groaned a little.

Sasuke and everyone else looked at me worried.

'Wait? Sasuke is worried? Did he just gain a heart?'

"Move out of my way you baka! This seat is mine! Hello Sasuke-kun!" Sakura squealed in delight. I growled at her furious. Clenching my hands pissed off at her.

'That little bitch!'

I got up and got into her face. Wanting to choke her to death. Yet settled for glaring at her instead. Everyone was shocked at what I was doing. They didn't realize? Realise how much I was holding back right now.

"Hey! What was that for Sakura-chan!? That hurt!" I say trying to keep up my act. Putting on some fake whinny face.

She didn't even bother looking my way. As I tried to be nice. So I walked away, pissed off. Everyone got out of my way except the fangirls. They all looked a little worried for me. Making me more pissed off and confused.

"Naruto are you okay?" Ino asks. I gave her a big smile nodding my head, and she nodded while moving away so I could get by. Along with all the other fangirls. I just sighed when I passed by. Walking up the stairs.

'They didn't really care after all. They just wanted to pretend that they were nice. Trying to please their fucking Sasuke-kun. Huh? I fucking hate all of them!!'

That was when Iruka came into the classroom. I sat down in the back of the classroom. Sitting at a window seat. I just look out the window trying to forget everything. As Iruka started teaching the class something I already knew. So, I decided to get some needed sleep. Iruka didn't like this very much. So he threw a kunai towards me. Maybe at a Low Jonin speed. It was aiming for the desk above my head. Which I just caught without looking. I heard gasps of shock as I lifted my head up to look at what happened. Before realising what I just did.

'Fuck I did not just do that. Now the class is going to ask questions. Damn me being so fucking tired.'

"Naruto! How did you catch that without looking!? The fact that I threw that a speed higher then genin should have given you trouble alone! So how did you do that!?" Iruka asked surprised. While the class all stared at me in shock too. Only to gain more a shock when they listened to what Iruka said.

"Shut the fuck up I'm tired!" I yelled trying to get out of the conversation. Yet I just made it even worse.

"Naruto! You don't talk to Sensei like that you Baka!" Sakura screamed.

"I said shut up you bitch!" I yelled and then ran out of the room. Noticing everyone's shocked faces when I called her that. Not caring a ran. Iruka tried running after me but I teleported. Without him noticing of course. I teleported into the forest of death. The place that I lived and trained in. Nobody knowing this of course.

I ran inside my house only to be greeted by my family.

"Welcome home Naru." Madara tells me and Hashirama hits upside the head.

"What are you doing home so early mister!" Hashirama says wagging a washrag towards me.

'Mother Hashi has been activated!' I thought and started laughing. Until I got hit in the face with a washrag. I fell back only to be caught by Tobirama. Tobirama laughed at me. Noticing the red mark on my face. He laughed harder almost dropping me by doing that. Jumping out of his arms I pointed at Hashi. Gasping in shock.

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