The Begining

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Tale of The Gemini Sisters.

It is said that the Great Creator and the Moon Goddess were watching their creations and observing their way of life when they noticed the imbalance of earth's people. Humans were waging wars left and right on the brink of throwing the world into chaos. Sadly, the lupine people weren't too far behind. Both the Moon Goddess and the Great Creator came together knowing they had to do something. The Great Creator decided to take a small group of worthy strong humble humans and bestow them with great abilities. He called them his guardians and tasked them with protecting the balance of power for both creations. The guardians were stronger, faster, and had longer life spans of up to 300 years. This was the Great Creator's gift to the world. Time had proven that guardians were successful in their task for they were able to reverse the damage done by the humans. The guardians grew into a formidable force and put laws into place for all supernatural beings to follow so they may protect the humans and the work they'd done correcting so much damage to the land. Over time the guardians fell into myth and legend along with all supernatural beings because of the laws the guardians enforced. Although like all things they too would face corruption and chaos such is the flaw of humans. The Moon Goddess and the Great Creator decided to put a fail-safe method into place should the world ever again be thrust into irreversible chaos. It was said she would gift abilities to two unborn pups who would be decedents of guardian and wolf. She would call them Gemini Sisters one would cause famine in minutes killing crops and live stalk ruining water sources causing earthquakes destroying the whole earth if she needed to, she could inflict a deadly plague that only her sister could cure. The other could heal lands and restore the earth when she needed to, control water and nature and be the cure to her sister's plague as well as heal wounds, when both were together, they represented the balance of nature and the circle of life. When the time came for her to bring forth her blessed creations, she took the two brightest stars from the Gemini constellation in the heavens Castor and Pollux also twins. She wove together each child's powers and strengths that would carry them through life. The Moon Goddess put so much time into creating these children she felt sad to part with them so she took a small piece of her heart and tore it in two so they would be of her and would be her children on earth so she may watch them all their lives and when the time came, they would be able to see and speak with her to be made aware of their destiny. The Moon Goddess chose two devout she-wolves who were strong in their belief in the goddess to carry her daughters mating them with specific Guardians of the Great Creators choosing and bring them into the world. One she-wolf alone would not be able to carry two powerful children to term. Like the twins Pollux and Castor, they would be of different lineage but through the Moon Goddess and their powers would be bonded together as sisters and Celeste hoped the saviors of the world for life. Of course, like all things, there must be an end. The Moon Goddess made sure that when they fulfilled their duties restoring balance to the earth again, she would take parts of their gifts and let them choose to stay as a guardian or to be a werewolf with their mate.

Damon's POV

"Congratulations on finding your mate. How did you meet her?" Shima asks me.

"Thank you. I... Uh... I uh met her when patrolling the grounds with some of the pack members. She was looking for a way in to get her sister. Who... we... kidnapped?" I say pausing gauging her facial expression.

"Why did you take her sister?" she says resting her elbows on the table.

" We heard through the college line that there was a girl making people sick with nothing for doctors to do. They said after seeing this girl they were healed. So, I had Eric and Jose go get her and bring her here so I could find out more." I explain still gauging the facial expression. "Go on," she says for me to continue.

Gemini sistersWhere stories live. Discover now