𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝒻 𝒶 𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇

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Chapter 1
Today is the day that I have been dreading the most. I couldn't sleep much last night thinking about all the things that could happen on my first day back. I should be used to it by now seeming that it's my last year of high school, but it never seems to get easier for me. Exams, homework and other stuff really gets tiring by the end of your high school years. But who knows I might get a well-paid job, or I might become a stripper named pole polly at the local strip club. My best friend Layla and I always joke around how we would become strippers are older, and that might just be the case.

"Emma are you still in bed?" My mum yells from down stairs. shit, I need to stop daydreaming otherwise I'm going to be late for my first day. I hop out of bed dreading going back to that hell hole, take some fresh clothes and hit the shower. And of course the one day I go back to school I look like a mess, gee hi no sleep.

Once I was done in the shower I blow dry my hair, Put on light make up, and went downstairs for breakfast. There I was greeted by my brother Alex who unlike me had grin on his face.
"What are you grinning at hobo." I say. playfully nudging him as I walked by. He chuckles in reply. "I just love seeing you so miserable." I open my mouth, pretending to act hurt. Alex is the best thing in my life, he is currently 22 and runs his own cafe and I couldn't be more proud of him. He unlike most brothers is caring and always there for me an-

The ringing of my phone interrupts my thoughts, it's Layla.
"Are you ready bitch, I am outside your house hurry up."
"Gee whizz, yeah I will be out in a sec." I giggle as I hang up.
I quickly grab my bag and steal one of Alex's pieces of toast, earning a groan from him. "Bye mum!" I yell out then closed the door, only to meet eye contact with my bestie.

I jump in the car and give Layla a hug. "Damn Emma, no sleep I see." Layla said poking my face trying to wake me up, I giggle and slaps her hands away. "I've forgotten what it is like to have a normal sleeping pattern." I reply resting my head in my hands.

We finally make it to school, and I can now say I definitely don't miss it. The people and ugh, the teachers drive me insane!  "You ready?" I say turning my head in Layla's direction. "Bitch there better be some hot boys or I am ditching." We both laugh and make our way up the steps towards certain death.

Walking into the school and seeing everyone miserable makes me even more bummed out to be here, and I didn't even think that was possible! That was until I see my good friends Liam Payne and Zayn Malik, man did I miss these two idiots! Liam and Zayn went to Australia the whole holidays so I couldn't see them, these two are total legends. Throughout our years at high school Liam, Zayn, Layla and I always stuck together no matter what. From cheating on tests with each other, to graffiti in the school gym we have done everything together, and I honestly couldn't imagine life without them.

"Hey girlies." Liam says mocking a bitchy girls voice, man I missed this. Zayn turns and faces our direction only just noticing us here, we from a group hug. "Hey, thot." I reply and Liam and Zayn put their hands to their chest acting offended, we all laugh.


"Ouch, I swear they made that bell louder over the holidays." Zayn winces covering his ears. I do agree, I think that are trying to kill us, and honestly let's hope it works. "Shit, that means no more excuses to ditching class!" Layla whines. We always used to use the excuse of not hearing the bell to get out of classes we didn't want to be in, welp there goes that. "What class do you guys have, I have double science?" Liam questions whilst looking down at his timetable. Pulling mine out of my bag I check, and it turns out I have double p.e, great. Looking over at Layla's she has the same, yay we can suffer together. And Zayn has double art, Man he should be happy he is so good at art, like Leonardo Da Vinci who?

Layla and I change into our sports gear and head down to the gym where all the other girls are. Seeing all the volleyball nets up, it's obvious that we're playing volleyball. Layla and I catch up with other friends whilst it felt like forever until appear the PE teacher showed up, but when seeing who it is it is in a familiar face. He looked around 26 and was incredibly handsome. He has the most gorgeous hair, every curl sitting in the right place and those eyes, those eyes! I quickly snap out of it, I look around seeing all the girls drooling just looking at him.

"Good morning ladies." He says in a deep voice, and with a slight smirk on his face. I swear to god the girl behind me just fainted. "Fuck me." Layla whisper from behind me, I couldn't help but giggle.
"My name is Mr styles, and I will be you new teacher this year." Mr Styles states moving his eyes around the room, soon landing on me, he didn't takes his eyes off of me until a girl named Katy spoke up. "Where Miss Fletcher?" she asks breaking the silence. Cleaning his throat he states that she got into a car accident and didn't make it through surgery. I felt my heart sink, she was such an amazing teacher, caring and gentle. A few girls start sobbing, I look at Layla with sorrow, she does the same. "I understand how you may feel and please feel welcome to take a moment, but we need to get into this lesson." Mr Styles says then walking away setting up the courts ready for games.

"I can't believe she is actually gone." Ebony says looking at the ground, she is also a good friend of mine. We all agree, she was a young teacher only 23 years old. All the girls are talking amongst themselves until a loud shriek of a whistle interrupts everyone's conversation. "I am not training you girls just for you to talk!" Mr Styles yells over everyone, startling everyone. Jeez someone's a bit moody, what's gotten into him.

The whole P.E lesson we practiced on serving and if we didn't get it over the next we were forced to do ten push ups. Luckily I was good and serving and didn't have to do one. But it was hard to focus because I kept feeling eyes on me, and Mr Styles was making me really uncomfortable. And seeming that my p.e shorts were shorter than usual I felt even more uncomfortable.

Finally the end of the double PE lesson flew by, and Mr Styles called us back in wrapping up the lesson. "Well done girls you all did very well. Some still need some improvement but I will help you get there. Now remember that you signed up for this class for the female volleyball tournament so no backing out now. I will see you all next lesson!" Mr Styles says dismissing class, still keeping his green orbs locked on me, creep. I mean he may be absolutely flawless but damn. All the girls start walking out of the gym and I quickly follow behind but a strong grip on my wrist pulls me back.

It's Mr Styles, I gasp at the sudden movement. He smirks at my reaction. "What's your name?" He asks frowning his brows together, still keeping his grip on my wrist. "E-Emma Rodriguez sir." I stutter on my words. "Well Emma you did very well today." He replies, letting go of my wrist. "What do you think about being team captain?" His question takes me by surprise, I would love to! " That would be amazing sir!" I reply with a big smile plastered on my face. "Great, I will talked to you more about it next p.e lesson." I turn to head towards the door but I was stopped one again, I just want to eat! "Oh and Emma," I turn around to see Mr Styles inches from me, definitely way to close for comfort.

"your shorts are a bit short, sweetheart." He whisper into my ear, lips brushing against them. I blush intently, and quickly make my way towards the door. Why would he even look there, and why did he call me sweetheart, ugh what a creep!

word count (1537)

hey i hoped you liked the first chapter to
unwanted love !
woah this was really long
i would love to hear your feed back and
thank you for reading!

unwanted love ♡ // hsWhere stories live. Discover now