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Chapter 10

Walking over to the kitchen I finish off my now cold and soggy pieces of toast. I decide to make Layla a coffee whilst I am here, she looks like she needs if after all, plus I am a good friend. Making my way over to the couch I see that Layla is watching some random drama show, man people really feel entitled in those, I don't understand how she watches them. Sitting down next to her I pass her the coffee, getting a weak smile in reply, something is definitely wrong.

"Is it about last night, I can tell you are upset about something." I question rubbing her shoulder, none of this is her fault.

"It's-it's just that when he had a grip on you and I did nothing about it, I just sat there like a complete coward. You are hurt and it's all my fault, I am such a fuck up Emma!" Tears weld up in her eyes.

"Oh Layla, none of this is on you. You had no control over what went down and it all happened so fast. And look I am still here, they can't get rid of me that easily." I smirk nudging her, wiping her tears away and pulling her into a hug. I could feel her body relax from her former tense state.

"Ah the reason I came here was to obviously see if you were okay but the police station found some evidence and wants us down at the station." Layla says pulling away, wiping away the now smudged mascara.

"Oh okay, well I'll go and get changed. There is some spare clothes in my drawer, I am not letting you go out in that." I snicker getting up and jogging upstairs.

A little bit after and we are now ready to go. We get into Layla's car and make our way down to the station. Coming down here was as common to us now as going down to the shops to get groceries. Driving past the book shop on the way the place is so busy. I feel so bad not being there to help Carol, I mean she is an old woman and should honestly be retired, she is too kind for this cruel world. Layla pull the hand break into park as we are now at the station. Making our way inside we see many heavily build men, many having the face of a father belonging to a loving family.

"Hello ladies, how may I help you?" The polite front desk man asks fixing his collar and clearing his throat.

"Hello. My friend and I are here for the late night break in last night, Sherif Tomlinson wanted us." I reply looking over to see Layla looking around the room like a lost little girl.

"Ah yes! Right through those doors to your right, he should be in the lounge, he is expecting you girls." A smile spreads across his face.

"Thank you sir, have a good day." Layla ends the conversation, smiling as we make our way to the lounge. I don't understand how people can always put on a smile, that shit is so hard to do.

Going through the doors we are swarmed with loud chatter and the sound of multiple phones going off. We make our way through the crowd, dodging and weaving through the police officers and investigators, I can see him!

"Girls you made it, very good! Please follow me we have a few things to discuss." Louis greets leading us into a private conference room.
"Please take a seat." He says pointing to the two chairs directly in front on him, we sit.

"Okay so we found some evidence from last nights crime scene. I remember you Emma, telling me about hearing the noise of a polaroid camera go off right outside of the window, where you got grabbed." Louis states reaching down opening the draws searching around for what I think may be the evidence.

"Um yes sir, it sounded exactly like one." I reply.

"What does a polaroid camera have to do with this, someone is trying to hurt my friend, I mean look at her!" Layla's voice raises as she says this.

"Layla I know and we are trying our best. This is what we found." Louis slides what is a polaroid photo picture of what it looks like to be me. Tears weld up into my eyes, I looked so peaceful but yet venerable. Layla looks upset too, her hand rubbing my back for comfort.

"It may not look like much but there may be fingerprints we can trace to find out who is doing this. But we will need to send this off to a facility that manufacture these type of photos because we cannot trace anything with the materials we have here. This may take a bit." He picks up the photo and places it back into the drawer.

"Do you think this involves that 'h' guy?" Layla asks crossing her leg leaning in on the table.

"I honestly don't know, but I wouldn't be a surprise if it wasn't, just know you can trust me and tell me anything. Even the littlest things can help this investigation thrive and stop whoever is doing this to you." He has the most comforting smile, instantly relaxing me.

"Of course, thank you so much Louis." I thank him, he waves us bye and we leave.

We get back into the car but before I can say anything Layla buts in.

"Um Emma? I had sex with Liam last night.."

word count {954}

Please tell me if i need to improve
anything it would really help,
love y'all

unwanted love ♡ // hsWhere stories live. Discover now