𝓊𝓃𝑒𝒶𝓈𝓎 𝒻𝑒𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔

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Chapter 2
"Ew what a creep! You could of told me earlier and I would of slapped his gorgeous, amazing symmetrical face!" I couldn't help but laugh at Layla's comment. Liam, Zayn, Layla and I were on a group call trying to finish some english Mr Hall gave us, yes homework on the first day back. I told them about the incident that happened with me and Mr Styles. But you know it's probably not a big deal.

"Guys it's okay, it's probably not a big deal." I say re-adjusting my messy bun. And at that exact moment Layla went off her tree, damn. "Emma are you insane, he fucking grabbed you and was practically staring at your ass the whole lesson! Liam, Zayn back me up here." Layla yells catching the attention of the two boys on the other side of the line who obviously wasn't paying attention what so ever. "Look girls I need to get this done otherwise I am going to get spanked by Mr Wall. I'll see you guys tomorrow." And without another word Liam leaves. Zayn notices and makes up an excuse to leave. "I think my dog just died, gotta fly!" Bitch Zayn doesn't even have a dog. "Zayn you don't have a dog you spaz!" Layla yells but Zayn hangs up giggling like a 3 year old. Now it's just Layla and I. "See it's not the big of a deal, hey I gotta go, mum needs help with dinner." I move my curser over the hang up button. "Okay but if anything else happens please tell me, love you." Layla says scratching the back of her neck. "love you too, bye."

I make my way downstairs to see my mum cutting up some veggies. "Oh hi sweetie, how was you first day back, any cute guys?" She asked nudging my arm. "Haha, no well at least no one that caught my eye." I reply grabbing a knife chopping up some carrots. "Where's Alex, I thought his shift ends at 4:30?" I mean he is no where around. "Oh, he had to stay back there as a new worker and he his getting him settled into the job. And speaking of jobs, you need to get one missy." I've been wanting a job for a while but nothing really stuck out to me, plus my anxiety had been through the roof. Like what if I mess up someone's order, I would surely be put down.

"I heard about Miss Fletcher, how are you holding up." Mum asks pulling me from my thoughts. "I mean it was hard to hear but I am doing okay." I say releasing a heavy sigh. "But we have a new teacher now, his name is Mr Styles." I say not wanting to think about him. Luckily I don't have a lesson with him tomorrow. "Well that's good, and you can go relax I've got dinner form here, sweetie." Mum says kissing me on the head. I love my mum, she is my number 1. Ever since loosing Dad to cancer she has always been the light and the end of my tunnel.

I decide to take a walk through the markets close to my house to clear my mind and hopefully find a decent paying job. It's so colourful and lively through this place, joyful children and laughing parents. I always use to come here with dad and always go on the carousel together, which has now been removed. The one memory I had with him gone. But he is always with me in my heart, cheesy I know right. I look through the job flyers and see that there is a job offer at the local library. I mean why not, it's a chill job and I love to read in my spare time. I make my way down to the library, I open the door to hear the little bell ring. This caught the shop keepers attention. She looked around 60 and smelled like the sea.

"Hello darling, what can I do for you today?" Her smile felt so welcoming, she seemed so gentle. "Hi, I was wondering if you still needed an extra hand around here?" I ask smiling in return. "Oh yes dearie. I am getting pretty old and it's hard to run this place all alone." She laughs walking up to me from behind her desk. "You are very pretty, what's your name? I am Carol." She asks shaking my hand with a gentle touch. "Oh I am Emma, Emma Rodriguez." I suddenly feel a cool breeze brush past me but I pay no attention, just some random guy. "Well Emma, I would love you to help out with the shop. Would it be okay to start Saturday, I have deliveries coming in and I need help." She says walking back behind the counter writing down information on a note pad. "Yes that would be totally fine." I reply with a bright smile. I gave her things like my number and all sorts and was about to make my way out when I spot him, Mr Styles.

His glare was strong on me, most making me very uncomfortable and uneasy. I give him a kind smile trying not to make it awkward but he kept staring, his green eyes burning into mine.

 I give him a kind smile trying not to make it awkward but he kept staring, his green eyes burning into mine

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"Emma?" A voice echos through my head. "Emma dear, are you okay?" Carol repeats herself finally getting my attention. "Y-Yes, I am sorry I got lost in my thoughts. What did you say?" I sat laughing it off taking another glimpse in Mr Styles direction who now isn't there. "I said you will start 8:45 so make sure you are here on time. Have a great day sweetheart." She says waving me off. "You too!" I then walk out the store. What is his problem? Like what have I done to him, he is such a creepy guy! Leaving the store I look behind me to see Mr Styles right where I was 10 seconds ago, he was gone and now he is there, bitch is a magician. I pick up my pace when walking home seeming it's getting late and I don't want mum to worry.

I told mum about the job when I got home and she was thrilled that I was doing something apart from sitting on my ass all day. Alex got home and went straight to bed, he was so tired and I don't blame him. I didn't tell Layla about the library incident because I mean he was only staring at me, it wasn't a crime, but it was chilling.

"Ugh just leave it Emma, you need to get some sleep." I mutter to myself changing into my pyjamas. I slide into bed and snuggle up to where it is comfy and close my eyes. That is until my phone text alarm went off...

 That is until my phone text alarm went off

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"Wait that's me!" i mutter in utter panic. Quickly running to the window, but no one is there. I urgently close my blinds, my breathing fastens. That was until I read what the message said.

Nice bod love,
           love H.

What the actual fuck....

word count (1224)

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