𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒹𝑒𝓉𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃

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Chapter 4
He just had to make it 6:30 didn't he. This meant I had to be awake even earlier meaning I had to walk to school because Layla isn't awake yet. I told my mum about what happened and let's just say she was so disappointed in me. Thinking back I really regret what I said, I mean it just slipped out I was so angry at the time. and today is going to be really awkward between me and Mr Styles, I mean it was already. Still feeling very uncomfortable with him, I'll try my best not to lash out again I really don't want to spend more time with him.

The walk was quiet peaceful, really calming me as the sun shone through the trees. A slight breeze of the morning makes the hairs on my arm stand up, but in a comforting way. The walk was around 30 minutes from my house, which I didn't mind it's at least warming up my legs for volleyball this morning. Liam said I was a bad bitch for saying that, but now I just feel stupid for it. and to be honest I really wanted the position as captain, I've been wanting it for years.

I make my way up the stairs to the front doors where I slowly but progressively make my way towards the gym. Opening the doors I'm greeted by Mr Styles setting up the volleyball nets, Who looks over to me with a smile as he slowly gets up to come over to me. "Morning Emma!" He grunts placing down on of the volleyball poles. "Morning." I reply groggily, I'm too tired for this. "Oh come on Emma, more enthusiasm! you get to spend the whole morning with me. Place you bag over there and help me with the nets." He points to the office area, walking over a place my bag and make my way back to him. He lifts up fthe polls placing them into the holes in the ground to keep them steady.

"Well don't just stand there, you are here for a reason!" He's obviously annoyed, I grab the extra polls placing it on the ground across from it. I'm not much of an awkward person but in this state having no conversation was really, really awkward. "Can we put some music on?" I ask, trying to cover up the silence with something I actually enjoy. "Yeah just go into the office and put something on the radio, it's on your right as you walk in." Walking in I decide to put on one of my favourite songs. I casually find myself humming the tune as I start putting the nets up. But struggling to put it up due to my height, damn you genetics. A sudden hand on my waist makes me jump in shock. "Need some help, love." A dark voice grumbles from behind me, Mr Styles. "U-Um yeah, sorry." I reply moving away from his grip, standing on the left of him. He looks unimpressed with my move and carried along with the putting the net up. I had no idea that things get even more awkward than it was before, I think this proves my point.

It is now 7:46 and we have finished with the nets, I decide to grab the volleyballs and practice my setting and digging. Mr Styles is on the bench reading through emails, I decide to start a conversation. "So, what's your first name?" I ask looking over to him. He lifts his head from his emails and pauses for a moment. What did he forget is name or something. "Tom." He replies simply. Okay then, great conversation. I go on with my serving getting it over a few times. I knew he was watching which put me off a bit, but I thought nothing of it, until I hear him clearing his throat from behind me, I turn around to look at him. "What did I tell you about your shorts, sweetheart. You know there are a lot of perverts out their who would want to get into them." He says looking down at my lower body, licking his lips. My jaw drops, um. I shiver under his tall frame, and in what world would any teacher say that to a student especially from male to female.


Saved by the Bell, first lesson has started and all the volleyball girls make their way into the gym. What felt like ages of a staring contest finally broke apart as Mr Styles made his way back to the bench, leaving me there in shock. Layla makes her way over to me. "Emma, you good bro. You look like you just saw a ghost." I glance over to Mr Styles or Tom as he said shaking his head. Turning back to Layla who was more confused than Liam learning simple algebra, I nod, pretending like nothing happened. "Yeah! There was just a spider on the floor and I freaked out, don't worry." I say laughing it off, it sounded convincing enough. I mean she believed it, but I wanted to tell her.

"Okay everyone gather up, let's run through what we are doing today!" Mr Styles yells over all of the girls, this should be fun. "So today we are going to be getting into partners and practicing our setting and digging. Katy and Bea, come here and show an example of digging and setting." He says pointing to Katy and Bea, Who walk up the front and simply dig and set to each other, pretty self explanatory I think.

Layla and I obviously partners are casually digging and setting to each other. Most of the time we were just messing around which we got told off for, but we already know how to do everything so I don't know why he's getting us to do it. We both kept trying to get as high as possible just to piss him off, because who cares I'm already in enough trouble as it is and what else can he do. "Emma and Layla I am splitting you up, Layla you go with Charlotte and Emma," he looks around the room to see all of the partners are full, and that means one thing and one thing only, "you are with me." Ugh! can't you just fuck off for a little bit, it would really be good for my brain cells not to lose any more by being around him. We go on with practice, but I find myself not focusing as hard as I did before. Occasionally hitting the ball off to the side instead of towards him, I can tell he's getting pissed. "Emma focus!" He yells getting the attention of the whole class. "I am sorry sir, I am not feeling the best." This of course was a lie, just whenever is around my mood changes drastically to a more unfocused and on edge emotion. I look over to Layla who gives sympathetic, God bless her.

"No, everyone stop this obviously isn't working." Everyone gives a confused look, I know what is he gonna do. After a 20 minute talk on how we aren't focusing and not good enough, he assigned as partners, and guess who was the lucky one his partner with me, Abby. Mr Styles seemed amused by my reaction, this bitch, and obviously Abby wasn't happy about it. She even did everything to get out of being partners with me but I knew Mr Styles wouldn't let that happen. This is his way of mentally and physically punishing me. But I was lucky enough that the bell went and I didn't have to spend any time with Abby whatsoever. We all packed up and left, Mr Styles told me I had my next detention tomorrow after school so at least I don't have to worry about getting up early.

But when walking out I ran into a ruggedly handsome guy, and I instantly knew who it was. This was my good childhood friend Niall Horan who I've had a crush on for awhile. He is one of the most kind and caring guys I've ever met and has done nothing but be loyal and carefree around me. "Oh I am so sorry Emma." He chuckles. "It's alright." I said gaining my balance and giving him a hug. Niall has been back in Ireland for the holidays and only just got back today seeming that I haven't seen him around. " Emma, I know I only just got back but I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me. It's totally okay if you don't want to!" He shook his hand and reassurance. I giggle at his childish manner, and man have I been waiting for this day. "I would love to!" I say full of excitement, and a large smile appears across his face, Only making me happier. "Okay I'll pick you up Saturday night, where we go will be a surprise." He says with flushed cheeks, he plants a kiss on my cheek and then walks off skipping down the hall like a fucking idiot, I love him.

Getting ready for the night the smile on my face didn't disappear from happening this morning. Layla is gonna help me with outfits make up and everything, only if it could be Saturday sooner.


If you go with him I will kill him,
you're mine, I don't share. Don't test me Emma.
       yours truly, H
Word count (1612)

Sorry this one was long
I hope you enjoyed
luv ya

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