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Chapter 6

I wake up so a soft gentle hand stroking my cheek, I open my eyes but is overwhelmed by how bright my room is, but I could make out a face, Alex.

"Morning goofball." He chuckles, his smile is so adorable, it's nice to see it every once and a while.
"Hey, why are you home it's Friday? Don't you have early shifts?" I ask shifting up in the bed so I am sitting up. My eyes drift over to my clock seeing I have 15 minutes to sleep before my alarm, ugh Alex always walking everyone up too early.
"And you woke me up early you asshole." I playfully punch his arm getting a shove back from him. His smile soon turns to a more serious 'we need to talk' face, god here we go.
"Have you been alright lately, I hear you crying a lot at night. I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but if anyone is hurting you-."
"No one is hurting me, just period cramps, gross stuff you don't want to know about." I butt in pushing him out of my room trying to gross him out, I can't let him know, who knows what H would do to him if he went to the police.

I just have to get through today and then the weekend, where I can relax and start my job at the bookstore. For once I am excited to start new with something, and it will also give me time to clear my head with everything going on. This week has been one of the craziest weeks of my life and up I just want it to end.
I get out of my warm and oh so lovely bed and get ready for school, having a shower and putting on some light makeup. I check my timetable to see that my first double lesson is english which Layla, Zayn and Liam and I all have.

First Period

English has always been one of my favourite subjects, mainly because it's an easy pass you know. The work is never too hard and Miss Harrison and I have that really close student and teacher bond. She is a younger teacher and was there for me when my Dad passed. She puts her students before herself and everyone loves her for that.

"Good morning class! I hope everyone is doing good. Today we will bring some insight on the music theory of things. Yes I know that this is english but we will be doing a study on it to help you with essays and such in Collage. But enough of me talking, if you guys could describe music in a short sentence what would you say?" She stares writing music in big letters on the white board. Ebony's hand shoots up along with a few others.
"Yes Ebony." Miss Harrison points with a bright smile.
"Well I personally think that it gives a sense of calming and helps you relax." She says happily.
"Very good answer Ebony, um how about you Emma, got anything?" I shuffle in my seat and give a pretty full blown answer.
"I think that music is an escape really." I say resting my head in my hands. "Could you expand on your answer?"

"Well different types of songs from sad songs, happy songs, depressed year 7 songs," I earn a laugh from the class and Miss Harrison, "can bring you to a certain state of mind helping you escape from certain things like being sad you know." You know what I am pretty proud of my answer. Layla, Liam and Zayn clap loudly and so the class follows along, I couldn't help but giggle a bit.
"Amazing Miss Rodriguez!" Man I love this class.

Shorty after the bell went for recess and all of the students went rushing out as well as Layla, Zayn, Liam and I. We all made our way to the cafeteria to eat.
"Dude Miss Harrison is so cool!" Exclaimed Zayn.
"You only get that now?" I say shoving him, we both laugh. But sadly is interrupted by Abbey and her sluts.
"I bet you have already fucked Mr Styles." She says completely ruining the moment.
"I don't think you understand me clear enough sweetie, I want nothing to do with that fuckwit, I suggest you go and suck more dicks seeming that it's the only thing you can do around here." Man I really went off, earning a scoff from here as she storms off like the bitch she is.
"Okay but Emma, you are such a bad bitch." Layla laughed. "She fucking deserves it, someone needed to tell her." I reply walking over to our table.

Next two lessons were science and photography which were pretty boring apart from Zayn and Liam mixing the wrong chemicals and nearly setting fire to the whole science block, now that was funny. But they now have a external suspension for 4 days so the left and went home, now we won't see them at school for a bit which sucks. And in photography we focused on developing photos with these dark rooms and the red light which was pretty cool. But now is P.E which we are doing theory work and deciding team captain. Luckily it's an early dismissal on Friday's so it isn't a double lesson. I turn around and see Layla waving and calling my name so I walk over to her at the back of the class and sit next to her.
"I have a brilliant idea!" she exclaimed, oh god here we go.
"You, Liam, Zayn and I should all do a sleepover at my place, my parents are out of town for a few days and my house is scary empty. Plus I have a lot of alcohol to get rid of before they come back." Yes exactly what I need, I need to let loose a bit and hang with the group. "Sounds great! I really need this aha."
The bell rings for lesson to start and Mr Styles walks in.

"Good afternoon ladies. Today we will talk about strengths and weaknesses and team captain. I am hoping we will have some people nominate themselves to help carry the team to victory!" Man he has to much enthusiasm, but the whole team cheers including Layla and I.
"Now is there anybody who wants to nominate anyone?" A mixture of names went around the room and I heard my name a few times but I don't think I will get it due to what happened before. I put my hand up.
"Yes Miss Rodriguez." He says getting the attention of the whole class.
"I would like the nominate Abbey, I think that she would be a good leader, getting everyone in order and ready for competitions." I reply looking over to her, giving me a smug look on her face.
"Interesting choice Emma." He gives me a smile, I smile back, he isn't being such a creep for once.

After a lot of debate Abbey got the position and I couldn't care less, she is happy I am happy end of story. The rest of the lesson we talked about strategies and stuff like that and it wasn't so bad, Layla and I talked about the sleepover mostly though. The bell went for the end of the day.

"Well done ladies and I will see you all next week at training." We all scurry out of the class room and Layla and I make our way out of the school until I see Niall, I run over to him.
"Hey Emma!" He says all excited, man he is so cute.
"Hey Niall." I say giving him a hug.
"So are you still good for the date, I have been looking forward to it." Hearing him say that broke my heart.
"Hey um I don't think I can make it," his face drops, "there is some f-family stuff going on um-"
"Say no more, that's way more important and  I hope everything is alright. If you ever need to talk to anyone I am here, you know." He says resting his hand on my shoulder, lying to him is so hard I don't want him to get hurt.
"Of course, same to you. Sorry but I have to go, bye Niall." I say giving him a hug.
"Bye Emma, have a good weekend." I smile and walk off with Layla.

"Layla I can't get too drunk with you and the boys I have work tomorrow." I say.
"We will see about that." We both laugh until I get a text from my phone.

good girl,
   love h.

H is talking about Niall and I, this prick.

me: fuck you

a ding from down the hallway from where we walked down as soon as I sent the message, I mean it could be a coincidence..

word count {1512}
sorry for not posting
but this is a long chapter so
i guess it makes up for it aha

unwanted love ♡ // hsWhere stories live. Discover now