𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓎 ♡

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Chapter 11

"You did what? Layla he was off his tree, drunk!" I shoot my head in her direction, now placing my hands off of the stirring wheel, body facing in her general area. How did she have the time and will to do that after what happened this morning.
"Emma please don't be upset, I know he was, but i was so numb, I wanted - I needed to feel something." She replies running her hands through her hair, a nervous reck. Sighing I place my hand on her lap for comfort, her eyes meet mine.
"Layla, tell me everything that happened." I say, she nods in reply.

Layla's POV
"Come o-on Layla, get in the car."
Liam slurs on his words,  not even walking straight, I have no idea how he was able to run and after and hit that prick that attacked Emma. I feel bad for leaving her, maybe I should've gone with her.

Liam cannot drive, he is an an absolute reck.
"Liam I am driving, ain't no way this is going to be the way I die so move it." I demand moving him aside as I get into the car, him mumbling as he walks around to the passenger side. I pull out of my drive way, looking at my house which is surrounded by cop cars and crime tape, this image is now burnt into my mind. This is what has become of the place where I felt safe, not anymore.

The bump of pulling into Liam's driveway startles him, couldn't help but laugh, only a little.
"I thought Payno wasn't afraid of anything?" I question nudging him playfully, unbuckling my seatbelt.
"I t-thought you weren't ap-apple juice." He slurs pressing his finger against my nose and letting out the most childish giggle I have heard out of him yet. This kid definitely took more than just drinks, weed, definitely weed. I burst out with laughter as I hop out of the car, him giving a confused look.
"Lala, that wa-was a genuinely question." I don't know how much of this I can take of this, but Lala is a new one, kinda like it not gonna lie.
"Come on stoopid, lets get you inside." I say unbuckling his seatbelt and bringing him inside. I place him down onto the couch and make my way to the kitchen to grab some water to help him sober up, when I hear a loud thud. I gasp, shooting my head around to check on Liam who as fallen off the couch and is now army crawling towards me. Could this night get any weirder? Grabbing the water I walk over to Liam and tip it into his head.
"Wakey wakey, lover boy. I am going to go and run you a shower to sober you up, or you will end up driving me crazy." He whines as he tries to wipe off the water from his now soaked face. Walking down to the bathroom I turn on the shower, not too hot not too cold, even through I would love to see him freeze. I grab some extra clothes and boxers from his room and fold them up, placing them in the bathroom.

Walking back down through the hallway I am met with a drunk, half naked Payno. He was only in boxers and was prepared to pull them down, I cover my eyes in shock.
"Liam! What the fuck, I am still here you know." I yell trying not to make direct eye contact, his boxers are now lying on the floor across from me. Like we have been close for many years but I would not expect a strip tease from him.
"Thanks for the shower, I will be going n-now, baby." He struts his was past me and into the bathroom, closing it behind him. Okay well that happened. I pick up the clothes from off the ground and place them in the laundry, man I am too much of a good friend, it would suck to lose someone like me, I snicker to myself. Walking out of the laundry I find myself outside of the bathroom door, reaching for the handle but quickly pull away.
"What the fuck are you doing, Layla?" I mumble to myself, literally what am I doing, he is just a friend, and he is drunk for crying out loud! I back up from the door when I her a voice, his voice from the bathroom.
"Layla, come here." His voice rumbles, giving me butterflies. I slowly open the door and walk inside, steam filled the room. I don't know why he wants me in here, I keep my head down, looking at the tiles that cover the floor,
"Take off you clothes and get in here, I need you." His words move me, I find myself doing as he says. I unclip my bra and slide off my panties. My soft hands brush against the shower curtains, pulling them open and hopping in where I am not only met with the warm embrace of the water, but Liam too.

He walks up to my small figure and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, I blush at his action.
"You're beautiful, Layla." His words bring joy to my being, looking down, "not to bad yourself Payno." I smirk, his lips connect to mine in return. He brings his hand to my check, I bring mine to his hair, tugging it roughly. He grunts and push's me against the cold shower wall, I wince at the feel of it. Pushing himself against me I can feel his member-

"Woah Layla! Not that much geez." I wince, leaning back into the car seat.

End of POV

Layla laughs at my reaction.
"So you really did it huh? I mean I knew you would, but not with Payno." I snicker, starting the car and pull out of the police station car park.
"I think I like him, Emma. I know it shouldn't of happened, I know. But it felt so right, we feel right. We talked for hours after about everything and he admitted feelings. Ugh I don't know if it was the drunk talk but in the moment it felt so real." Layla explains the situation in such emotion like I have never heard her spoke before, this is teenage love at it's finest. Layla and I have always talked about boys, but hell she has never said anything like this.
"Well Layla, looks like someone has the love bug." I murmur, I well known playful punch was thrown my way.
"I just hope he remembers," she sighs, "I genuinely like him, I have for a while now."
"The help him remember if he is to forget dummie. This is a once in a life time thing, this ain't happening again, shoot your shot!" A smile appears across her face, she knows I am right, I mean these are what best friends are for.

"Uh hey, I am going to work my shift today actually, you can drive back to my place and chill there. I'll walk back once my shift is over. Just please don't throw any parties or shit like that, I beg of you." Layla laughs, knowing what she is like she is going to.
"No you don't have to worry about me, but please do worry about your head man, you look like shit." She replies winking at me as I pull into the park outside of the bookstore. I scoff and look into the mirror to see she isn't wrong, but I never really cared about my appearance, it's the personality that matters.
"Maybe a kiss would make it better?" I bite my lip like a fuck boy, Layla doesn't hesitate to give it a kiss as we both laugh.
"Ok I gotta go, don't crash my car bitch." I threaten.
"Oh I will, don't worry!" She blows a kiss to me and she drives away, I just roll my eyes.

word count {1380}

I am finally back I am sorry this
took so long to get back into. Things have
been better and that's what counts!
hope you enjoyed this chapter,

love xx

unwanted love ♡ // hsWhere stories live. Discover now