𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀𝓈, 𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑜𝒽, 𝑀𝓇 𝒮𝓉𝓎𝓁𝑒𝓈

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(this is carol btw :-D )
Chapter 12

Walking into the book shop to see it we'd are there full, this makes me feel even worse for Carol having to do this by herself. But fear not, Emma is here to save the day. Making my way down the isles I brush my fingers across the stems of the books. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Moby Dick by Herman Melville, To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. These are some classics for sure.

I remember when I had to perform Romeo and Juliet for my drama class. I was with Layla, Ebony, Liam and Ryan, and let's just say we improvised everything and surprisingly passed the class. I find myself snickering on the sudden thought. Peaking my head I am met with Carol, who is placing some books on a half empty shelf.

"Looks like someone could use some help," I chuckle walking up to her, placing the left over books on the shelf, "I am sorry I came in late and probably startled you a bit with Sherif Tomlinson coming in."

Carol embraces me with an unexpected hug which I kindly return. She rubs my back in comfort, then pulling away and gently holding my hands.

"I heard what happened, I was so worried! I am so glad you are okay pet." Her hand comes close to my face as she gently brushes my cheek. Carols like the grandma I never had, she has a way of making you feel so safe. I take her small and brittle hand from my face and hold them, smiling brightly.

"Awe, thank you Carol, still a bit shaken up and my head looks a mess but that doesn't mean I can't stack a few books now does it?"

Picking up books from a trolly and placing them I don't shelf might be boring to some but I find it rather therapeutic. I I find myself drifting in an out, thinking about what happened, and thinking about what might happen. Just the thought rather scares me and I wish everything would just stop, but I know it won't won't, HS won't stop until they what they want, and that's me.

10 books, 15 books, 21 books. I count as I place them on the shelf, I am making a huge dent into the pile on the trolly, I smile to myself, this job isn't too bad after all. The shelf I am working on is now full, turning the trolly around to move to the other side of the shelf I accidentally push it into someone, this causes the books to fall off. Well done Emma, well done.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!"

My face turns a crimson red as I try to avoid eye contact with the person I hit, my knees drop to the ground as I quickly try to pick up the books. Why am I such a fuck up, this is too embarrassing. The person kneels down and picks up one of the books, they speak up.

"It's alright, love." That voice, oh no not that voice. My eyes scan up from the floor to, Mr Styles. He had a rather large grin plastered on his face.

"M-Mr Styles, I am so sorry, it wasn't my intention to hit you I-I" His cuts me off with his hand brushing against my forehead, over my bruise.

He touch was gentle, if my face wasn't red enough already I would be a tomato by now.

"Poor thing.." He mumbles quietly, his lip curling into a smile. I carefully pull his hand away, confused with his choice of action, an words..

"Um, how's your stomach, hit it pretty hard the the trolly didn't I?" I awkwardly chuckle, face palming myself in my head, what the fuck was that Emma. Just trying to defuse the tension.

"It's just fine, Emma," he snickers in reply, handing back the book he picked up, "remember to bring your gear on Monday, competitions are coming up soon and we have to make sure we are ready. Also I really need you to start focusing more in class, you one of the best players and I hate to see wasted potential." He replies looking rather serious.

I don't think I am a very good player, I try my best but never think I get anywhere. It's nice for someone to say it other than Layla to say it though. I smile at the floor, thanking him for the compliment.

"Yeah sorry, I guess I got carried away with Layla, you know how we are sometimes," I giggle to myself. "I won't disappoint you sir." My eyes make their way back up to his rather tall figure.

"That's the spirit!" Mr Styles yells, a shush of a customer interrupts him making me laugh. This whole time I hadn't noticed him wearing a beanie, that's until I noticed a rather big bruise on his head.

"Oh my god, your head! Are you alri-"

Mr Styles fixes his beanie to cover the mark, his eyes darken.

"Emma, you didn't see anything, Don't ask questions you shouldn't know the answer to." His large hand grips my upper arm, pulling me closer with force.

I whimper under his touch, he smirks at the sound.

"Mm I love that sound baby, do it again." He grunts as he whispers in my ear, his lips brushing against them. Tears blur my vision. I want him away from me, far away, I hate him so much-

"What the fuck is this." His grip is yanked away from me, opening my eyes I see Carol.

"I am sorry sir but this is not how we treat our employees here, I am going to have to ask you to leave." Her words are coated with sass.

"Ma'am I think you have misunderstood this situat-"

"No I understand just fine, now leave." Carol cuts him off waving her finger in his face, her hands on her hips.

My heart quickens as he makes his way over to Carol, his hands clenched.

"No stop!" I beg expecting him to hit her, but he whispers something to her. Whatever was said shocked her due to the look in her eyes. He then turns to me, my body shaking.

"Don't be late for class." He says as he walks passed me and out of the store, the bells ringing as he does.

I need to quit volley ball, I have to get away from him.

word count { 1161}
sorry it took so long to upload again
i was going to write more for this chapter,
but that would've been a bit much aha.
next chapter should be up soon! also thank you
so much for 7k reads! means so much :,-)

(i have also spread out the paragraphs, hopefully it's easier to read, please tell me if you want me to keep doing this or not aha)

love you all

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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