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(A/N I didn't say this last time, so I'll say it now. I have nothing against Itzy and when I was thinking of a girl group they were the first one to pop into my head because I was singing Icy. I am not saying anything against them. This is a fictional book please do not take anything to seriously. Also there is a slight trigger warning if you are sensitive about abuse, there isn't a lot of writing about it, but I still want to put a small warning.)

Chapter 6| San

San looked from Yeji to you. His eyes were as if Yeji had killed one of his best friends right in front of him, but not with sadness, with anger.

Jongho had walked over and to collect San and pulls him back to where they were sitting and Yunho brings you back. You and San sit down where you were and don't talk.

"Do you think she's still holding grudges from when we were little?" Mingi asks you all of the sudden. The question causes most of Ateez to look up curious. "Mingi, do you really think that's possible? It's all because of Jae-gyu more than likely, but shouldn't she be kind thankful that I dated Jae-gyu and not her?" You asked Mingi and look at him. Almost everyone still looked confused.

"Wait so what happened with Yeji, I'm confused," San looked between you and Mingi as he asked, "Ever since I've got here she's never shown that she knew you."

"San," you say as you look at him, "other than the picture at Mingi's house, did you know me?"

San nods as he answers, "I moved into Mingi's house about the second or third week after I moved here and I had saw the picture. Mingi had told me that you were close friends and it made me watch over you from a distance, and it didn't seem like Yeji knew you."

"I'll tell you about it at the house," you say while looking at him, "I don't want to say it here." San nods in understanding and the bell rings signaling that lunch was over.

When the day ends, you put your stuff in your locker and San walks up to you. You look at him and slightly smile. You decided to walk home, mainly because you didnt have a choice. San said that it wasn't safe for you to be walking home alone.

You arrive at the appartment and see that Mingi's car is already there. When you walk in, you also see the rest of Ateez there. Mingi motions for you to come to the living room and you do and sit on the couch. San sits next to you and everyone looks at you.

"Can you please tell us now?" San asks with a sweet tone in his voice. You nod slightly and look at the rest.

"It started in Kindergarten," you begin, "Me, Yeji, Mingi, and I think Hongjoong was also in that class, anyways, Yeji was one of my table partners. She had just tripped one of the students that walked in and many people had laughed and she said it wasn't her. She had then said that she would share her crayons with me, which was a big deal when you are 5. Mingi sat on the other side of me and said that he would also share his with me. Yeji then said that she wanted to be my friend and that I would have to choose between her and Mingi. I had met Mingi while we were enrolling and he had been very nice and made me not so scared to start school. I chose Mingi and she got mad, but that was just the first incident, it didnt really start that much. She was over it by like first grade."

"I remember that," Hongjoong said, "I had been watching Mingi since I first saw him because I could see the bruises from getting beat that his parents were trying to hide. I always watched incase he got hurt, so I knew about Y/N since day 1, I just didn't show it."

"That's true, I kind of figured since you asked about her every now and then," Mingi said, "okay, you can continue now Y/N/N."

You nod and continue, "It was then middle school, yay middle school love. Yeji had asked to be friends, I decided to not be against it and the only other friend she had was Ryujin. I still distanced myself a lot and she could tell. I hung out with Mingi a lot and then met Jae-gyu. I hadn't been stable since my dad's death that had happened more than a year before. Jae-gyu had took me in and made me feel safe. We started dating at the start of freshman year which made me realize that Yeji had liked him. Yeji then hated me so much that she threatened to kill me. Jae-gyu suggested that we date in secret which meant he came to my house. Mingi found out and stopped coming to my house after school and Jae-gyu became abusive and raped me, he then said that he caused the crash with my dad and that he had been watching me since 5th grade. He then left me on my living room floor helpless and bleeding and I never saw him again until that morning."

Roommates | Choi San [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now