♡ T E N ♡

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“San-i?” your voice rings. 

“Yes?” San says. 

You still felt it, the feeling of finding something that you had lost a long time ago. It was like you found something you never thought you would find again. You close your eyes for a couple of seconds, clearing your mind, and opening them back up to see San. Only this time, he didn’t look like the San you had grown to know as a part of Ateez, instead he looked like “San-i” the little boy from the dream.

Your eyes grow twice their size realizing what had just happened. If San was the little boy from the dream with Mingi, could he possibly be the boy that you have dreamed about since you were younger? You wanted to say something, but your mouth felt dry, so you just looked at San. 

“I haven’t been called that in almost 13 years,” San says as he looks at you. His voice was as soft as his eyes as he looked at you. Your eyes locked. 

“Y-you were Mingi’s childhood friend,” you look at San. “Right?” The words were hard to get out, but you still were managing. San’s face fell at the question. He only nods.

“S-so,” you begin. Your voice was shaking. He took a hold of your hand to try to calm you, but it wasn’t helping. “I- I am the little girl, who got hit by a car. Y-you are the boy, I, or the little girl, used to tell my mom I was going to marry. Y-you are the boy,” you pause and look into his eyes, tears threatening to leave your eyes, “that I loved since the day we met.” 

San’s eyes also fill with tears as he stares into your eyes. San leans in and hugs you tightly and you feel his warm tears land on your back. It was him. You knew now, that it was him. A tear rolls down your cheek slowly as you hug him back and slowly melt into his embrace. You missed him, so much. Even though you didn’t know you missed him, your heart did.

As you hug, you hear the door open and you see Mingi standing there looking at the two of you. San lets go of you and looks at Mingi. Mingi looks between the two of you and notices the tears. It wasn’t like San to cry. Mingi starred in shock at the tear rolling down San’s cheek before he quickly sat down with the two of you.

“Mingi,” you say while looking at him. Your voice isn’t as shaky as before, but it is still unstable. “Why didn’t you tell me about San?” You look at his eyes. He slightly looks at San before looking back towards you, your eyes locking.

“I used to ask you if you remembered having a childhood friend other than me,” Mingi begins slowly. You remembered him asking that a few times in the past, and even though you did think of the little boy from your dreams, you never told Mingi about it. “Even when you would think about the question for a long time, you would always reply with ‘no’ so I just didn’t say anything. I always thought that if you didn’t remember having another friend other than me, then what was the point of spilling it on you later.”

“Wait-” you look at Mingi, your eyes shaking. “Is the reason that I never had heard San’s name.” You stop talking and look up slightly confused while trying to think.

“It was because we were scared that you would remember San,” Mingi says, making you look at him and narrow your eyes slightly. “Before you attack me, me and San agreed because of how traumatic the event was that you would last remember him from.”

“I don’t get it,” you begin. “Are you saying that the car accident was the last time that I had an interaction with San? Why?”

“That day,” San speaks slowly. You look at him as he looks down and fiddles with his fingers. “You were sent to the hospital and the rest of us went too. You weren’t hit by the truck, a man walking by saw and quickly moved you and himself out of the way. On his way down both of you got injured, but you had passed out from fear. They were making sure you didn’t have serious injuries at the hospital, the man had a broken arm from the impact with the ground, but you didn’t suffer anything major. Why I left and you didn’t remember me, your family blamed me for everything. You had always told your mom that you were going to learn new things to impress me. They knew that you wouldn’t do things that would normally get you in trouble if I wasn’t there. They told me to remove myself from your life and that same week, my mom and dad got into a divorce, so I moved in with my dad so that I would be going to a different school district. Since we were only five, your mom removing pictures of me from your house and having Mingi and everyone else not talk about me was enough to get you to forget me.”  

Roommates | Choi San [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now