She's ... a tiny mixture of me!

120 10 26

18th of April 2032
The news this morning said that despite the league villains staying quiet for so many years, they've officially sprung back into action, but according to the public, they're even stronger than before.

Of course, Izuku is ranked number one hero, and I'm number two. Unfortunately, Izuku is ill at the moment so our 6 year old is caring for him.

I promised Izuku I'd go out and fight, I knew he'd want me to. I want to make my husband proud. In that case. Let's do this.

League of villains, here I come.


"YOU'RE GOING TO DIE, NUMBER TWO!" The villain screamed, her black hair building up extreme amounts of static. "WHERE'S YOUR NUMBER ONE, HUH?!" She leaped at Shouto to attack.

"Leave Deku out of this." He referred to his husband by his hero name for his protection.

Her bright blue eyes began to glow as her hair built up more static. "Im going to kill you," she spoke calmly.

"Not if I can help it." Ground Zero stood behind Shouto, defending him (for the first time in ... ever).

Shouto looked at him with confused eyes, wondering why Katsuki would ever step into help him.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm a parent too, I can't just let you die. Deku would have a really hard time as a mother without you. And you have over half the amount of kids I do." Ground Zero explained with his hands in his pockets. A surprise they fit in his pockets with the size of his nitroglycerin-collecting-glove-explosion-thingies, as Izuku calls them.

"Who are you?" The villain asked.

Katsuki walked straight up to her with his hand out and said, "Ground Zero, and you?"

"Wiabux." She took his hand and shook it. Katsuki of course, didn't want a normal handshake. His plan was to send her flying straight up into the clouds. She went flying high when Katsuki set off the explosion, but not high enough. And that surprisingly didn't kill her.

"Well I'm done here, I'm sure you can handle an injured villain," Katsuki stopped right next to Shouto's side and menacingly said, "number two."

"Where are you going?" Shouto turned and asked the hero where he was headed.

"Home; I can hear my baby son calling for me from here." And with that, he was gone.

"Well that was convenient." Shouto said just as Wiabux's body fell back to the ground.

She brought herself to stand again and wiped the blood off of her chin. "That boy is lucky he left when he did. I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted to be cursed." She said to herself.

The fight was back on, with Shouto sending bolts of ice at her, cornering her. She attempted to send bolts back to him but he blocked them with his ice. In the end, he got her trapped in the ice too. Shouto watched as she slowly froze to death. He didn't mean anything by it, but he knew that one less villain was a good thing.

When he knew that she had breathed her final breath, Shouto turned around and began to make his way home. Unbeknownst to him, as his back was turned, the ice that the lifeless body of Wiabux stayed inside began to melt inhumanly fast. Soon, the ice was just a puddle on the floor, but the body was nowhere to be seen.

Just as Shouto was about to turn the corner, he heard the cry of a baby; stopping him in his tracks. He turned slowly to look back down the alley where he had just fought Wiabux. He couldn't see her body, just a melted puddle with a crying, butt-naked newborn lying in it.

Shouto made his way over to the crying child, and his fatherly instincts told him to lift the child. The man noticed that the baby girl had the smallest, lightest, softest pieces of pink fluff on her head. "Pink hair?" Shouto whispered to himself. When she opened her eyes, the colour baby blue sparkled out of her sockets.

Shouto fell in love with this new baby and didn't once question her origin. All he knew was, the baby was extremely cold from lying in the puddle that was once ice.

He took off his jacket and wrapped up the small child and carried her on the left side of his body, making sure to ever so slightly activate his fire quirk to become a human radiator.

The baby stopped crying and began to yawn, falling asleep over the hero's shoulder.


"Izuku.." Shouto loudly whispered, trying not to wake the child.

"Babe! You're home, I got so worried, you were out for quite a while." Izuku spotted the child in his arms.

"Who's this?" He confusedly cooed.

"I don't know. I was fighting the villain Wiabux and then the next minute, she was a newborn baby." Shouto vaguely explained.

"Wiabux..." the green haired man scratched his chin. "Let me open up my laptop." He said, rushing to his device.

He had opened up google and typed in 'Wiabux'. So many results came up. "Villain Wiabux" Izuku read. "Also once known as Cersei, Malé, Trix, Shego, Misery, West and Crue."

Shouto stood confused, still holding the baby.

"Ah okay..." Izuku read her description. "It says here: Wiabux, or more commonly known as Cursella, her quirk is immortality in a way. She fights as a villain and is with the league of villains but every time she is killed, she is immediately reincarnated with the genes of her killer. The league of villains always take her back in to re-train her and turn her into a villain once again."

Izuku sat staring at the screen in silence.

"Okay," he eventually said, "so, one, you killed someone?" Izuku asked in a surprisingly calm voice.

"She got caught up in my ice and just kind of ... thought it would be alright to leave her there." Shouto replied. Izuku just stared at his husband in an annoyed manner. Shouto just shrugged, "well it's not like she's dead, it's just that she's now... a tiny mixture of me and my genes." Shouto watched the sleeping baby in his arms, he caressed her cheek and she nuzzled into his hand.

Izuku stood and sighed. "What are we gonna name her?" He asked. Shouto looked at him, smiling sweetly. Izuku moved his head down to smell her skin, knowing how beautiful a new baby smells. "She smells like flowers."

"What about Sakura?" Shouto suggested.

"Yeah... the cherry blossom tree. She smells like flowers and her hair is pink like the cherry blossoms."

Izuku looked at the baby, "oh yeah, she does have pink hair, doesn't she...?" the green haired boy paused before bursting into hysterical laughter.

"What's so funny?" Shouto asked, holding the baby closer to him as his husband laughed.

"You hair! It's red and white!" He laughed.

"Yeah, so what?" Shouto looked down, as if he was ashamed.

"Red and white is pink!" Izuku laughed and Shouto had a look of realisation come over his face.

"She... really is a tiny mixture of me." Shouto said.

Izuku looked at him knowingly stupid, "you don't say?!"

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