Quirk checkup

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"Oh, shit!" Izuku shouted, checking the calendar.

A small mop of green hair could be seen bouncing above the back of the sofa as an 11 month old baby held onto it, trying to waddle his way over to his mamma.

Suddenly, a small child came running in past the waddling baby, causing the baby to lose his balance and fall on his squishy bum.

Izuku picked up the baby who had fallen and cradled him because a crying baby was the last thing he needed to hear at this moment.

"Bad word! Bad word! You said a bad word!" The small child shouted and pointed at Izuku.

A light smack on the hand that pointed at the stressed Izuku was initiated by Shouto, who walked passed carrying an even smaller child, but not as small as the baby Izuku carried. Behind Shouto came a wobbly running baby, the same size as the one Shouto carried.

"Taro don't shout at your mother like that." He placed the baby on the floor.

"Shouto, it's Taro's checkup today." Izuku walked over to his husband.

"Ah right, do you want to take him? I need to do some writing today, so I'll look after the other three while you take him for his checkup." Shouto told his husband.

"Alright, I'll do that then. We better get going now so we don't miss it." Izuku kissed the baby's head that he carried before handing him to Shouto, then kissed his husband too. "Come on, Taro, you're coming for a drive with mommy."

Shouto carried the baby upstairs to his office so he could write and look after him. The two other babies could climb the stairs on their own, and followed behind Shouto to the office as well. Luckily the office has tonnes of toys inside it.


3rd of October, 2030
Taro turned four a week ago so Izuku booked him a quirk checkup as soon as possible. Which is today.

The twins, Asahi and Yukina, are 2 years and a few months old. Of course, we weren't expecting twins, but when life gives you lemons... you make lemonade.

We then decided that Makoto, our youngest, who recently turned a year old, would be our last child.

Taro, looks a lot like me with his white hair and heterochromatic eyes. But, his hair is quite curly and fluffy like Izuku's. And his left eye is blue, and his right eye is green. He's an absolute sweetheart and would do anything for anybody. But he likes to bite things... other than that, he's the sweetest child in the world.

Asahi, the oldest of the twins also looks a lot like me. He has my red hair and my grey eyes. He's a complete cinnamon roll if I ever saw one, but if you get my two year old angry, oh wow, he's the angriest child you'll ever see.

The youngest of the twins is Yukina, she has Izuku's big eyes, but they're my colour blue. She also has white hair, like me, once again. Yukina doesn't giggle much, she's quit stiff and quiet but with adorable freckles.

I'm quite excited because Makoto's hair is growing to look like Izuku and honestly, he is a complete clone of Izuku, which makes me extremely happy. Sure, he has green, fluffy hair and green eyes just like Izu, but even their personalities are the same. My husband and my one year old have the same personality! Caring and crazy. Again, with the cutest abundance of freckles on his face.

Natsu has been confirmed with a Molecular Disequilibrium quirk, where he can transfer himself through other dimensions through quantum physics. It's all very complicated.

Akemi has been confirmed with a (no surprise) laser manipulation quirk. She can bend lasers for good and evil purposes. Especially if she decides if it's a harmless laser or not.

Kyuuzou has been confirmed with a volcano lava quirk. Where she can inflict lava anywhere, even pouring out of someone's eyes if she wanted to. Quite brutal, I know.

Seichou, Monoma's son, gets his checkup next month.

I have to get back to my fatherly duties now. I can't wait to hear Taro's results.


"Mr Todoroki, am I correct?" The doctor asked Izuku.

"Yes that's right." Izuku replied.

"So you must be Taro Todoroki." The Doctor looked at the four year old. "I'm Dr. Takahashi and I'm going to find out what your quirk is today."

Taro looked excitedly at the doctor and then at his mother (your mother is the person who birth to you regardless of gender).

"Alright so I'm going to do some tests now." He stood up and gestured for Taro to stand with him.

"What is your mammy's quirk?"
"What is your daddy's quirk?"
"Fire and ice!"
"Do you know what your grandparents' quirks are?"

Taro shook his head and so the doctor looked to Izuku for answers.

"Erm, his grandfather on his father's side has a fire quirk and his grandmother on the same side has an ice quirk. My mother has a quirk that can attract small objects and my father has a fire-breathing quirk." Izuku answered in full.

"Alright so from that information, it seems Taro has the likelihood of having a fire related quirk." The doctor explained. "Let's start with fire bending."

The doctor lit a Bunsen burner and told Taro, "go over to that fire and see if you can cup it in your hand."

Taro reluctantly did what he said. Izuku felt quite nervous in case  Taro hurt himself. He went over to the fire and cupped it. He succeeded, managing to hold the fire.

"Breath it in." The doctor said.

Taro sucked the fire into his mouth and kept it there.

"Swallow it." The doctor insisted.

Taro did as he said.

"Now, conjure up that fire inside of you and breathe it back out at this painting!" The doctor commanded excitedly.

Taro did as he said and blew all the fire back out of his mouth, burning the painting up. The doctor smiled.

"I think we've found your son's quirk. Let me just put him on the machine to check. The reason I did these tests was because this machine isn't developed enough to be accurate yet but they say in the next two years, we won't need to take these risks, and this machine will be accurate enough to say exactly what the child's quirk is." He explained, hooking Taro up to the machine.

The screen read "fire."

"Yes, see, it says fire but it isn't detailed enough to tell you exactly what your quirk is. But Taro, your quirk is fire bending and breathing. Be careful when you cough and sneeze around the house." The doctor signed a piece of paper to him and handed Izuku the paper.

"Have a good day, both." The doctor smiled and waved them away.

Izuku and Taro made their way out of the surgery, "how was that, baby?" Izuku checked with his son.

"Mommy..." Taro stared directly outward, blankly.

"Yes, Taro?" Izuku asked, concerned.

Taro slowly built up excitement in his voice and facial expressions, "I CAN BREATHE FIRE!"

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