Chapter One

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My name is Y/N Freeman. Yes THAT Freeman. Freddy is my twin brother, my other half, my best friend. We currently live with Rosa and Victor Vasquez, our foster parents. Our real parents died from a drug overdose about a year after we were born. We've bounced around foster homes ever since. But right now our siblings are Mary, Pedro, Eugene, and Darla.

I wake up just like every other day and go down to breakfast where Rosa is busy making enough food for 8 people.

"Good morning Y/N. Sleep well?" she asks.

"You could say that, I was up until 12 because Freddy was geeking out about Superman, like always." I respond. Freddy is a huge superhero fan, he has tons of merch, like a fake batarang, and a bullet that hit Superman. I always make fun of him saying that the bullet is probably a fake.

"Did I hear my name?" Freddy says as he hobbled in.

"Nope, I think you're hearing things Fred." I say. Rosa laughs quietly. She yells that breakfast is ready and I hear Darla run downstairs, her energy is never-ending.

We all sit down at our respective seats and Victor says our routine prayer. As we are all finishing our food Victor and Rosa stand up.

"So Victor and I got a call this morning about a kid who needs a home, so we're going to take him in." Rosa says.

"His name is Billy Batson and he's the same age as Y/N and Freddy." Victor follows.

"So after breakfast we're gonna go to the agency and pick him up and be home around dinner. So Mary, it'd help a lot if you can watch the kids while we're away." Rosa states.

"Uhh sure I guess." Mary responded.

Me and Freddy gave each other "the look" to signal that we'd talk about this Billy kid later.

As we finished eating, Rosa and Victor left to the agency to meet and pick up Billy.

"Ok we'll see you guys later! And behave!" Rosa yelled as they pulled out of the driveway.

"We will!" we said in unison.

As we went back inside we all went our separate ways. Darla got her craft box to make Billy a welcome home sign. Pedro went to his room to workout and do whatever. Mary went to her room to study so she could get into that college in California. Eugene played games on his laptop like always while me and Freddy went to his room.

When we were in his room Freddy turned to me and said, "If this kid is rude to you at all, tell me cause I'm not letting anyone mess with my baby sister."

Me and Freddy were bullied everyday because we are foster kids and Freddy is a little disabled. We fight them off together most of the time but sometimes Kaylie and her friends would bully me in the girls locker room, but I never told Freddy about that.

"You got it!" I said as I gave a little salute. "Also don't call me your baby sister. I was born like 5 minutes after you." I said, crossing my arms.

"Oh sweet little child don't you worry your head about things you don't understand." Freddy responded and pat my head.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that!" I said as I started to hit him.

"Take it back!" I said as I pinned him down.

"Fine! Just let me up!" he said.

"Not before you say sorry." I responded.

"Ok I'm sorry! You win, you always win!" he cried. I got off him and helped him sit up.

"You should've known what you got yourself into." I laugh.

"Yeah yeah." he says as he rolls his eyes.

"So whatcha wanna do?" I asked. I already knew what his answer was going to be but I ask anyways.

"Comics!" he answered. "Ok comics it is!" I stated.

A few hours later Rosa and Victor came back. I always get happy when they come home because they are the best foster parents we've ever had. They understood us because they used to be foster kids too. I heard Rosa introduce Billy to the other kids and then the fire alarm went off. "Darla's tofu" I thought, and laughed. Then I heard Rosa walking up the stairs with Billy. When the door opened I was in shock. He is definitely not what I expected.


𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now