Chapter nine

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I woke up and got ready like any regular day... little did I know today would be a horrible one.

"Hey I think we should stay at school today to catch up on classes." Freddy says when we walk up the steps leading to the school doors.

"That's cool with me." I respond.

"Me too." Billy says.

When we get through security we go to our lockers and then a few of girls come up to me.

"Is it true you're dating Billy Batson?" a few of them say at once.

"Um yeah, why." I say closing my locker.

"Well it's just that I like him and I just wanted to know if the rumors were true." Kaylie says.

Oh great, Kaylie.

"What were the rumors?" I ask starting to walk away.

"That Billy Batson's girlfriend is hideous." she says behind me and I stop in my tracks.

I turn around and I see that she has her arms crossed with her posse behind her.

"W-what?" I ask slightly studdering.

"Turns out they're right." she says laughing.

"Don't be mistaken roach, Billy will be mine. Ta-ta." she says walking away.

I run to the restroom and lock myself into a stall and immediately start to cry. I sat there for what felt like hours balling my eyes out. Then I hear a knock on the restroom door.

"Y/N are you in here? A few people saw you run in here." I hear Billy call out.

"What are you doing in here? This is the girls restroom." I respond sniffling.

"I have my hand over my eyes. The real question is why are you in here? And crying?" he says.

"Bullies." I say through the door.

"Y/N, let me in." he says.

"No. I don't want you to see me like this." I respond.

"I don't care, let me in." he says putting his head on the door.

"Okay, fine, but close the door behind you." I say giving in and unlocking the stall door.

"Okay, now you going to tell me-"

"Do you think i'm hideous?" I say cutting him off.

"What? Of course not! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, hell, the most beautiful girl in the world. Who told you that you were hideous?" he responds.

"This girl named Kaylie, she's kinda tall, and has long brown hair..." I say continuing to sniffle.

"I know who you're talking about, she sits near me in science. She's always trying to talk to me..." Billy says.

"Figured. She told me that she likes you, she said 'Don't be mistaken roach, Billy will be mine.' she's always mean to me but never about something like this... because you're my first boyfriend." I say, finally letting it out.

"SHE CALLED YOU A ROACH?" Billy says raising his voice, now angry.

"Billy, please don't do anything to her. Even though I hate her, don't hurt her, please." I say with pleading eyes.

"Okay, I won't. This is why I like you so much, because you're so caring, even to people who are... well terrible. You have such a big heart, which I love." he says putting a stand of hair behind my ear. I smile because no one has ever done that to me.

"Wait I'm you're first boyfriend?" Billy asks slightly surprised.

"Yes. No one likes me because I'm a foster kid and Freddy's my brother and that's only what people pay attention to. The only people who know the real me is my family." I say looking down.

"I'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend, you know that?" Billy says as he puts his hand under my chin, lifting my face up to see his and I see that he is slightly teary eyed.

"Okay, we should go to class now." I say getting up.

"You sure you don't want to skip?" Billy asks hugging me.

"Actually yeah, let's skip." I say returning the hug.

"Okay! Let's go." he says turning around; we leave early like we have been for a few days.

"Okay now we're out, where do you want go?" Billy says still in his hero form.

"Let's go to the park. And can you give me a hyper speed piggy back ride?" I ask laughing.

"Of course! Hop on." he says kneeling down so I can hop on his back.

When we got to the park people recognized Billy, well the superhero on You Tube with tons of different names.

"Hey! You're that hero on YouTube! Can we get a picture?" a lady with her husband asks Billy.

"Sure!" he says posing.

"Can you take the picture?" the lady asks me.

"Yeah, no problem." I take the picture and give the phone back.

"Thank you so much!" the lady says giving Billy $20.

"She paid you?" I ask very surprised.

"Well being a hero has it's perks I guess!" Billy says very excited.

"I have an idea!" he says suddenly, making me jump.

"What?" I ask very confused.

Billy then runs behind a dumpster between two buildings and yells 'Shazam'.

"We're gonna go to Best Buy and buy a PlayStation!" he says excitedly.

"Billy... a PlayStation costs a lot." I say.

"Well then we're going to get people to pay me for pictures!" he exclaims.

"Let's maybe not start that today." I say bringing him back down to earth.

"Okay, fine, lets go home." he says slightly upset.

"Hey, I know what will cheer you up. Cuddling and Harry Potter!" I say with jazz hands.

"I like the cuddling part, but Harry Potter?" he asks as we start to walk.

"Yes, Harry Potter. Probably the best movie and book series ever. Have you even seen it?" I ask.

"Like maybe 30 minutes. One of the foster homes I was sent to had a daughter that absolutely LOVED Harry Potter and she forced me to watch it. Needless to say, I ran away that night." he explains and now I feel really upset. But then he sees my reaction.

"Oh my god, I didn't mean it like that! I would love to watch it, only because i'll be watching it with you, I won't run away. I could never run away from you. I promise." he says grabbing my head in his hands and pressing our foreheads together. He then kisses my forehead and swings his arm around my shoulder and we walk to the house. On days like these i'm grateful for Billy the most.

𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now