Chapter five

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When I wake up I get ready and go to Freddy and Billy's room.

"Hey guys can I come in?" I ask as I knock on the door.

"Uhh yeah come in." I hear one of them say.

I walk in and I see that Freddy is attaching his GoPro to a helmet.

"Uh what are you doing?" I ask.

"We're gonna get back at the Breyers! Well Billy is." Freddy says.

"Oh cool!" I respond.

*time skip cause I'm lazy*

Me and Freddy are hiding, waiting for the Breyers to arrive at school.

They pull up and get out then Billy, well Shazam, gets their car and throws it up in the air.

"Uh, Burke? Where's the truck?" Brett asks when he turns around.

Burke starts to press the button on his car keys.

"I can hear it." He says as he continues to press the button.

Then the car falls to ground and crashes with the windows and tires broken, then the air bags explode.

"Oh my god!" "My truck! My truck!" They say as they start to freak out.

Then me and Freddy walk up to them.

"You know guys, I don't think that's gonna buff out." Freddy says casually and I start to laugh.

*time skip*

Me and Billy are standing outside the teachers lounge waiting for Freddy to come out with the coat for Billy.

"Do you think this is really gonna work?" I ask.

"Who knows!" He says with a laugh which makes me get butterflies.

"Making the cripple kid do the dirty work, wow." Freddy says as he walks out and throws the coat at Billy.

"We're better lookout. We can play innocent." Billy says.

"And I can't?" Freddy says offensively.

"Your face gives off a very strong vibe of someone's who's hatching schemes." Billy says and I nod in agreement.

"M-my face? This face?" Freddy asks as he points to his face.

"Yeah!" I say.

"You kids got a hall pass?" the officer says as we pass by him.

"Oh, us. Yeah. Always." Freddy says.

"You!" He says as he points to Freddy. "You look like you're up to something."

"Me? Up to something? No. Never. I'm not up to something." Freddy responds.

"Our dad's picking us up. He, uh, he got held up at the... the business office.." Billy says.

I mentally face palm. This is not going good.

"Sure, kid. Look. Parents or guardians have to appear physically to check out students." The officer says.

"Gotcha. Okay well hear that dad?" Billy says as he walks around the corner.

"Hey!" The officer calls after Billy.

I hear Billy whisper 'Shazam' and then a loud thunder roars.

"Oh, hey there son! Oh, hey there other son and daughter that I also have that's related to that son I just passed in the hallway. I'm sorry I'm late, I got held up at the business office... Doing all the work stuff. This is the-the security officer that all the kids admire so much." Adult Billy says.

"Oh that's the other one. This one sucks." Freddy says.

I try so hard to not laugh and I can tell Billy's doing just the same.

"This is... that's not funny. I gotta talk to him about that. I apologize. Anyway this is me appearing physically to check my kids out of school. So, thank you so much for keeping them safe, Detective Moron." Billy says as he ushers us out the doors.

"I can't believe that actually worked! I really thought we were done for. Also Billy, that little act was hilarious." I say as we start to walk, Billy transformed back to himself.

"Thanks." He responds, and I could swear I saw him blush.

*time skip*

After we tested Billy's powers at an abandoned warehouse we started to walk back home because Billy couldn't fly yet.

"You know, Billy, you've become less rude now that you're a superhero." I state matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, I know, I was a real dick." Billy responded.

I laughed and I thought flew in my mind. For the first time in a while, I think I had a crush.

The whole time we were walking I was fighting the thought of trying to hold Billy's hand. I eventually made up my mind and gathered up all the courage I had and slid my hand into his.

He looked at me with surprised look on his face but to MY surprise he smiled and squeezed my hand and we walked like that in silence all the way back to the house. We weren't even listening to whatever Freddy was rambling about ahead us. What did I just start?


𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now