Chapter twenty-one

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Soon the police and news reporters started to show up and we decided that that was our queue to leave. The officials could handle it, I mean after all we were just kids. We all flew to the city and landed on a rooftop.

"So now that Billy got that thing out of Dr. Sivana's head, what do we do with it now?" I asked.

"I guess we could put it back in that cave place." Freddy said.

"But uh... How do we get there?" Mary asked.

"Oh right. What if we just think about it like how Billy got us out?" I pitched.

"Yeah. Sure, we'll try that." Billy said, giving me a smile.

Sure enough, it worked. We all closed our eyes and just thought about the cave and when we opened them, we were in the cave.

"So cool." Eugene said in awe.

"Where do we put it?" Mary asked Freddy since it was his idea.

"What about that little pedestal?" Freddy said pointing behind us.

"You sure this is gonna work?" Billy asked putting the eye on the pedestal. When he did a little coral-like cage formed around it, suspending it a few inches above the pedestal.

"Told ya." Freddy said when we saw that the Sins were coming out of the eye and into their respective statues in front of it. When you looked at it, they were pretty cool looking.

"Whoa!" Mary and Eugene said in awe.

"You guys know what this place is, right?" Freddy asked us.

"A dark, haunted cave with demon statues." Darla said.

"Well, yes, but also..."

It took me a few seconds but then I realized it...

"Lair! We got a lair!" me and Billy said at the same time.

"Lair." "Yeah." "No, you're right."

"We got a lair." Freddy said excitedly.

"What's a lair?" Darla questioned.

We all just stared at her in disbelief.

"You don't know what a lair is?" Eugene asked her.

"No... What is it?"

"It's basically a place where superheroes hangout and keep weapons."

"Oh... Okay."

Everyone started to look around and notice the seven thrones at the front. We fought over the seats for a little before we finally agreed on who sat where. Billy was in the center with me on his left and Freddy on his right because he wanted to be his 'right-hand-man'. Mary was on my left and then Darla. Pedro was on Freddy's right and then Eugene. We sat there for a little before we started to get a little bored.

"I want to go home now." Darla yawned.

"Okay. Well I guess I'll go home with her." Mary said.

"I'll go too." Pedro told her.

"Me too." Eugene said getting up.

"Remember, just think about it." I told Mary.

"Got it. See you guys tomorrow." Mary waved and then her, Darla, Eugene, and Pedro joined hands and disappeared.

"I get why you like being a hero so much." Freddy said to Billy.

"Oh Freddy, you lost your crutch." I realized.

"Oh right. I'll go get it and head home. See you later." he said before disappearing too.

"Guess that just leaves me and you." Billy said getting up.

"Yup." I smiled.

"Come here." he motioned.

"Really? I'm dirty from fighting," I whined, "and I can't wait to get back my regular body." I laughed.

"Ok I guess we could go home too."

When we got home we both said 'Shazam' outside so we wouldn't mess up the house.

Even when I was myself again I still took a shower and went to bed because I just had my first superhero fight. That night I felt safe and secure in Billy's arms. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Breakfast!" Rosa yelled and I shot up, waking up from my sleep.

"What?" Billy asked me in a very groggy morning voice.

"Rosa called for breakfast."

"Oh ok."

When we made it down we heard our siblings talking about random stuff.

"So, first day as a superhero"

"Automatic top spot for best ever. The man shattered the glass noodle ceiling."

"No. That's racist."

"Not if I say it."

"You guys are really weird." I said as Billy and I sat down.

"Yeah. Yeah." Eugene laughed.

"Guys. All hands on deck." Billy said.


This is what I had been waiting for since Billy came here. For him to be apart of our family and proud.

"Wait, wait, wait. Wait." Rosa said running to get closer.

"Thank you for this food. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this family."

I smiled at Billy and gave his other hand a little squeeze.

"I thought maybe this time I'd stay. I mean, after all, I'm home."

I could tell that made Rosa so happy and it made me happy too. Boy was I right when I said our lives would change when Billy walked though that door.

So because of this whole Covid-19 panic my school is closed for another 2 weeks! Yay! But seriously BE SAFE AND WASH YOUR HANDS!!!! Also if you bought tons of toilet paper... STOP IT I HAVE LIKE 8 PEOPLE IN MY HOUSE SO WE NEED IT MORE THAN YOU!! 😂Ok that's my rant love you! Thank you for 5K reads! (Low key kinda got teary-eyed at the end).  Wait also which story should i do next cause i can't decide: Richie Tozier, Finn Wolfhard, or Noah Schnapp?? pls tell me in comments! ☟︎

𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now