Chapter thirteen

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Later that night when we were doing the routine prayer Billy didn't put his hand in the middle with everyone else's. He'd been doing it ever since he became a hero so when he didn't do it I was slightly disappointed.

"Thank you for this family. Thank you for this day. Thank you for this food. Sorry Billy's hand's on vacay. Big news in Philly. They found a costumed hero, he's doing good." Victor says.

"Yeah, but is he though?" Eugene asks rhetorically.

"Oooh, controversy! Into it! Share with us your perspective, Eugene." Victor exclaims.

"Just saying, he's what? Charging people's phones? So what? I can charge a phone with a plug!" Eugene says holding an imaginary phone charger.

"Preach. Y/N?" Victor says my name asking for my thoughts.

"I think that his powers are really cool actually." I disagree with Eugene. Billy wasn't taking this criticism very well so I said something positive, not negative. I saw Billy lighten up a little at what I said, smiling at me.

"Pedro, any thoughts?" Victor asks.

"Costume's stupid?" and everyone laughs at his comment. "Big white cape like, he's getting married or something." Pedro says.

"What if he didn't get to pick his costume? Ever think about that?" Billy asks, getting a little defensive.

"You're a specialist, Freddy. What do you think?" Rosa asks.

"Yeah, Freddy, let's manage to see the positive," Billy was defensive again.

"Okay, well I think it looks like he doesn't have gratitude for what he's been given." Freddy says. I know that he's trying to make Billy mad after what happened at school today. Because of that I held Billy's hand under the table and squeezed it lightly.

"Very specific. All right." Victor says.

"Maybe to this superhero, gratitude doesn't mean having to be clingy." Billy says irritated.

"'Clingy', wow, interesting take." Freddy responds.

"You know, maybe sometimes a superhero just wants a little me time." Billy says squeezing my hand lightly.

"You know, me time can be construed as pushing away his family." Freddy argues.

"Family. Is that what they are now?" Billy asks.

"It's a classic symptom of superhero syndrome coined by German psychologist Heinrich de Von... German something, where superpowers become an all-consuming narcotic." Freddy says making up what he's saying. At this point Billy's had enough and he gets up and goes to the stairs.

"Son, we're still eating dinner." Victor calls out to him.

"What he needs is a sidekick." Freddy calls out.

"Name one cool sidekick." Billy says walking up the stairs. I get up and go after him.

"Y/N." Victor calls out but I ignore him, I have to talk to Billy.

"Billy?" I call out.

"In here." I hear him call from my room.

"What is Freddy thinking? I'm the one who's narcotic? If it's anyone it's him." Billy says angrily when I close the door, he's sitting on my bed.

"Like I told you earlier, he's just jealous." I say sitting on the floor, resting my head on his knee.

"I know, but he just knows how to get to me." he responds putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Freddy has a way of doing that." I say tracing my finger on the lines on his hand.

"Hey," Billy says putting his hand on my cheek, making me look at him. "If I ever become like what Freddy's saying I am, tell me." he finishes.

"I promise." I respond with a kiss.

"You know, doing that, it releases a lot of stress." Billy says when I break the kiss.

"Oh is that so?" I ask as a smile plays across my face.

"It is so. And i'll have you know that i'm super stressed." Billy says with a smirk.

"Oh what can we do about that?" I ask teasingly.

Then Billy crashes his lips onto mine and passion flows through my body. He lifts me off the floor and lays me across the bed, him over me, him hold himself up with his arms. All while not breaking the kiss. I don't know what came over me but I decided to flip us over and take Billy's shirt off. When I did, it broke the kiss and I saw that Billy had a six pack. I couldn't help myself and I touched his abdomen, staring at it.

"What?" I ask, stopping when I see that he's staring at me.

"Nothing. You're just so cute." he says referring to the fact that I was staring at his abs, and I blush from embarrassment.

"Do you want to sleep in here tonight? Because of your fight with Freddy." I ask getting off Billy.

"Definitely." he says sitting up.

"Okay, i'll go get you a pair of shorts." I say walking to the door.

"Thank you!" he calls after me.

When I go to their room Freddy still isn't in there so I just go to the dresser and grab one of Billy's shorts to sleep in. When I came back we both changed and went straight to bed.

*time skip*

In the morning on the way to school the tension between Billy and Freddy loosened a little, thank the gods.

"Why am I still doing this?" Billy asks stopping in front of the school.

"Well, you can't skip everyday." Freddy says turning to him.

"Not at your age. But I'm not your age anymore." Billy says walking away.

"But I can go with you, we just gotta trick the guard out, you know, and then... Billy, where are you going? You're still gonna have lunch with me right? Billy? Sir-Zaps-A-Lot's still gonna eat in the cafeteria, right?" Freddy calls out to Billy as he's walking away.

"That's all that matters to you?" I ask Freddy running after Billy.

"Billy! Why are you skipping?" I call out finally catching up to him.

"I thought that I could handle Freddy today but I just can't do it. Being the hero is my only escape." he says turning to me.

"Okay, well be careful then." I say then kiss him on the cheek before running back to school.

*time skip*

Lunch time came... and Billy didn't.

Everyone was standing around mine and Freddy's table waiting for the Red Cyclone to come. But I knew he'd never arrive.

"I'll just call him. I'll just make sure. It's ringing. Red Cyclone, hey! Hey, what's going on? Oh, that's crazy! Yeah, it's Freddy, by the way. Yeah, it's crazy great story." Freddy says pretending to call the hero but I knew he couldn't call Billy. Then a senior girl takes Freddy's phone from his hand and shows everyone.

"He's not talking to anyone." the girl pronounces with a scoff and everyone starts to laugh and walk away.

"I was! I was! we're friends. I know him, I do! I know him! I know him! Uh, yeah!" Freddy calls out to them.

"Freddy give it up!" I whisper yell at him. Then when the crowd clears we can see Burke laughing sarcastically with his brother.

"Shit." Freddy whispers, knowing what that means... and so do I.

Needless to say the Bryers gave Freddy a suitcase wedgie.

𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now