Chapter four

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I stood there in shock, I didn't know what to do. Why in the hell was Freddy in Darla's room with a grown man? And why was this man in red spandex and a white cape?

"Freddy, what is going on?" I ask.

"Hey, what happened to the stairs?" I hear Rosa call.

The weird man then runs to Darla's bedside in half a second, covering her mouth.

"What the hell?" I say in disbelief. "Get the hell away from her!"

"Hey, covering her mouth like you're gonna kidnap her isn't gonna make her less scared, okay?" Freddy says to the grown man.

"Wait you know him?" I ask Freddy.

"Darla, Y/N, it's me Billy. I know I don't look like me. A wizard made me look like this." the man who claims to be Billy says speedily.

"No way you're Billy!" I retort.

"Maybe don't start with the wizard, it's just gonna make them more confused." Freddy says.

"Some old guy brought me to a temple and made me say 'Shazam'-" then lightning strikes the house and burns a hole through the ceiling and hits the man. And to my surprise, when the smoke clears Billy is standing where the grown man once was.

"Verbally-triggered body manipulation properties! You can switch by saying 'Shazam!'" Freddy says excitedly.

"Okay, can someone just tell me what the hell is going on?!" I whisper-yell.

But Billy and Freddy usher us out of Darla's room before I could get an explanation.

"Listen to me, Darla, Y/N. You cannot tell anybody about this, all right?" Freddy tells us when we're outside the room.

"But it's Billy, he's a hero." She says.

"And how can you keep this a secret? They're gonna what to know where Billy was and how are you going to explain the hole in Darla's ceiling?"

"But if a supervillain finds out that he's a hero, that endangers us, okay? And Y/N trust me we can keep this secret. Just don't say anything to anyone." He says.

"I-is she good at keeping secrets?" Billy asks, referring to Darla.

"Moderate." She answers.

"No." Freddy and I answer at the same time.

"Oh, god." Billy says as he looks anxious.

"Okay, listen to me. You two cannot tell a single soul about this all right? Please." Freddy tells me and Darla, I nod.

"Why? What if it's people we trust?" She asks.

"'Cause good sisters don't tell secrets." Billy says.

"Aww he called her his sister!"

"I'm a good sister!" She says.

"Yeah, you are." Billy responds.

"You know what would make you an even better sister? Is when you fix the-the doorknob for us." Freddy says.

"Sweet dreams." we all say as we walk to their room.

"So are you gonna tell me why this is all happening?" I ask when we're in the room.

"Well when I was running from the high schoolers i went to the subway and got on a train." Billy started. "Then the train started to go faster than it's supposed to, and all the people vanished and the windows iced over. When the doors opened I was in this giant cave, temple thing-"

"-so you're telling me you want on a subway and ended up in a temple?" I cut him off.

"Yes. I know it doesn't make any sense but it's true. Anyway I walk in this throne room and a really old guy knew my name and told me about how a long time ago him and other wizards chose a champion. This champion had powers like me and let the Seven Deadly sins, whatever those are, escape and kill millions of people. So then he told me to put my hand on his staff, I know gross right? Anyway he made me say... well you know, and then all of a sudden I was a man, 'my full potential' he called it. Then he just disintegrated." He finished.

"How'd you get back?" I ask.

"I just thought of the subway and then I was back." he answered.

Freddy was in the restroom the whole time, I guess he already knew the story.

"Wow. I cannot believe this happened to you. This type of stuff only happens in movies or to people like Superman and Batman." I said.

"I know right?!" He says.

"Well goodnight then Billy. Thank you for what you did for Freddy today at school and calling Darla your sister I could tell it meant a lot to her. And me as well." I say as I give him a simple kiss on the cheek.

He immediately turns a dark shade of pink and gets flustered.

"Y-yeah, no problem! G-goodnight." He says as I back out the door.

I have a feeling everything is going to change.


𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now