Chapter sixteen

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"Okay... I think we should head home now." I whisper with a smile.

"Yeah... probably." Billy whispers back. We continue walking back home with my arm around Billy to support him. The man he fought beat him up pretty bad, which Billy didn't see coming because he survived every test we took, even a bullet shot. We walked in a comfortable silence until we were crossing the street and a car honked at us. Once we both started to walk to the house Victor and Rosa opened the door. Once Rosa saw the state Billy was in, she rushed to us.

"Oh my God, honey, are you okay? Are you okay?" Rosa said as she took Billy out of my arms to get a good look at him.

"Yeah." Billy responded breathing out.

"What happened? Are you hurt? Come inside." she said in a rushed voice, starting to walk back into the house, me following close behind.

"We need to have a talk." Victor says as he crosses his arms.

"Just don't be so hard on him, okay?" Rosa whispers to Victor as she passes him.

"Come on." Victor says to me guiding me through the door. I wasn't allowed to go with them into Billy's room so I just waited with Mary, Pedro, Eugene, and Darla in the living room.

"Where were you guys? And where's Freddy?" Mary asks me as I sit down on the couch.

"Look I don't want to talk about that right now." I say putting my head into my hands.

"Running out on us! Lying! Huh? Then I get a call from the school, telling me you've been cutting class! Getting into fights!" we all hear Victor yelling from Freddy and Billy's room. Eugene sighs because Victor never yells at us, and when he does it's really rare.

"Bill, the man saved nine people." the news reporter on the TV says which causes Eugene to watch it.

"Whoa! Is that..." he says surprised.

"I'm questioning his motive." a man says.

"What are you and Freddy doing with the superhero?" Eugene asks me, still very surprised.

"Or what's the superhero doing with you and Freddy?" Mary asks me getting up to get a closer look at the video of me and Freddy arguing with Billy after he saved the bus.

"You remember at dinner, when Billy and Freddy were arguing like an old married couple, like this?" she continues, pointing at the TV. "When he rescued me, he knew I lived in a group home. He knew my name. He called me Mary." she said quieter, thinking. She then turned to us and raised her hand, gesturing upstairs. At this point she ignored the fact that I was there with Freddy too.

"Wait, are you saying Billy's the Human Power Storm?" Eugene asks, catching on.

"Yes! You guys figured it out! All on your own. I didn't help. I didn't break any promises." Darla says enthusiastically.

"Darla!" I whisper yell, nudging her.

"You guys knew?" Mary asked not believing that Darla and I knew and kept it a secret.

"I'm a good sister!" Darla says still very happy. Mary shook her head.

"Okay, it was Freddy who initially knew but me and Darla accidentally found out the same night it happened. We kept it a secret because we didn't want to increase our chances of someone bad finding out." I explain getting up.

"Well I guess that makes sense." Mary responds.

"Oh Y/N, I forgot to tell you but I finished the search you asked me to do." Eugene says to me, getting my attention and giving me a notebook.

"What search?" Mary asked Eugene.

"I found this notebook in the trash the day Billy came here and it had a long list of women with the last name 'Batson' with each one crossed out. I wanted to help Billy so I gave it to Eugene to finish the search, give Billy closure." I explain to Mary. "So what did you find?" I ask him.

"Well... his dad's in prison and his mom is like two subway stops away." he responds to my question.

"Oh my God..." I whisper to myself, not believing his mom was so close. We all then decided to go upstairs and eavesdrop on Billy, Rosa, and Victor. When we got to the door we could hear Victor's yelling more clearly.

"I mean, what were you thinking? And then you bring Y/N and Freddy into it." Victor yells but then it goes silent and the door opens, all of us back away.

"Give him some space, guys. He's a little upset, okay?" Rosa says to us and Victor closes the door. Mary was the first one to walk in.


Once I walked in, I sat down right beside him and held his hand, bringing it into my lap.

"You're him. You're the hero." Mary says quietly.

"Yeah, well, not anymore, so..." Billy says sadly and sighs. I was so shocked that he wouldn't want to be a superhero anymore. He looked down and saw that I had his notebook in my lap.

"Why do you have my notebook?" he asks me, surprised that I'd find it and keep it.

"Eugene finished your search." I respond with a small smile.

"Look, I'm not a hacker, okay? But I have played Watch Dogs and Uplink. And maybe I did pick up a few skills, which maybe did get me into federal databases most people can't get into." Eugene rambled. But Billy just got up and pushed through Eugene and Mary.

"Good for you, but I'm gonna go." Billy said slightly irritated.

"Your parents' names are Marilyn and C.C. Batson." Eugene said which caused Billy to stop.

"What?" he asked confusedly and turned around.

"You were born in Zumbrota, Minnesota. They divorced when you were three. Your mom moved you here that year. Twenty months later, you got lost. You never found them cause your dad's been in prison in Florida for ten years. And your mom's..." Eugene trailed off, closing the folder he had.

"What? Is she dead?" he asked quietly, not wanting to hear the answer.

"She's two subway stops away." I answer slowly walking towards him.

"What?" he asked with disbelief, taking the folder and looking through it.

"You know, you didn't find her because she reverted to her maiden name." I continue walking even closer. And with that, he ran to get his jacket and downstairs.

"Billy! Wait!" I called after him, getting my jacket as well. I ran right behind him through the front door and down the driveway.

"Hey, Billy, Y/N! Billy! Y/N!" Rosa called after us.

"Victor, get the keys." I hear Rosa call out, but after that she was out of earshot.

𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now