Chapter ten

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When we left school early like normal, I saw that both Billy and Freddy's backpacks were bulging. I questioned it in my head but kept quiet until we got to the warehouse because I knew this had something to do with superhero stuff.

"Okay today we're going to test lightning aiming!" Freddy says when we walk to a ledge in the building.

"How?" I ask very curious.

"So, Y/N you're going to throw these books-" Freddy says pulling books from his and Billy's backpacks.

"Aren't those your books for school? Don't you need them?" I ask interrupting Freddy.

"Yes. And who cares? The school has tons of these. Anyway, you're going to throw these over the ledge and Billy is going to hit them with his lightning bolts." Freddy continues.

"And what will you be doing?" I ask Freddy crossing my arms, I've never had to actually take part, I just come to get out of school and spend time with them.

"Taking video for the YouTube channel of course. Which by the way, has tons of views, likes, and subscribers. So we need to make new videos to please the people!" Freddy says very enthusiastically

"Okay okay, calm down before you give your self a heart attack." I say grabbing the books.

"That's not possible." Freddy says starting to film.

"Whatever, lets just start this thing." I respond.

"I love your relationship." Billy says with a laugh and then he kisses me on the cheek.

"Ugh, enough with the smooching. Billy become Captain Sparkle Fingers." Freddy says.

"That's not going to be my name. SHAZAM!" Billy says, which signals the start of today's testing session.

"Algebra! Science! English! Health!" after every book I threw, Billy said the name, hit it with lightning, and destroyed it.

*lil time skip*

"Okay, that was actually fun. Maybe I should help you guys more." I say with a smile.

We were done for the day, so we were outside Starbucks on a bench drinking some hot chocolate. I was sitting with Billy to my right with his arm around me, and Freddy was sitting on my left.

"I told you. Now I think its time we go home." Freddy says as he gets up.

"Okay. Whatever you say boss." Billy says as he gives Freddy a salute.

"You guys are stupid." I laugh as I get up.

"But you love us." Billy says as he gets up after me, hugging me.

"Do I though?" I respond, holding in my laugh

"I'm genuinely hurt." Billy says acting sad.

"Okay, fine I love you guys." I say laughing, giving in.

*the next day*

Billy and Freddy left school without me, I was a little sad, but it gave me the chance to catch up in my classes. I was a little lost and overwhelmed at first, but the thought of seeing Billy later kept me going.

When I came home Billy and Freddy were already back... among other things.

"Oh Y/N you're home!" I hear Billy say when I walk into their room.

"Hi..." I say hugging Billy.

"What's wrong?" Billy asks me.

"Nothing, just where did you get all this?" I ask gesturing to the many electronics in the room.

"Oh... about that..." Billy says nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Billy used his lightning to make tons of money come out of an ATM and we bought this stuff at Best Buy." Freddy says still playing his game.

"Dude!" Billy says hitting Freddy in the back of the head.

"Oww! She was bound to find out!" Freddy says rubbing the back of his head.

"Billy... you didn't actually steal money... did you?" I ask him.

"Look i'm sorry, I won't do it again." Billy says with an apologetic look on his face.

"It's okay, I know you've been wanting to do this." I respond hugging him again.

"Wanna go to my room?" I ask Billy.

"Sure." he responds.

"So why did you want to hang in here, without Freddy?" Billy asks me when we walk in my room.

"Because, I missed seeing you today." I respond closing my bedroom door.

"Is that so?" Billy asks with a smirk seeing that I closed the door behind me.

"Tis so." I respond walking towards my bed.

"What do you want to do?" Billy asks, me walking to me.

"Oh I don't know... maybe cuddle." I say sitting on my bed.

"Is that all?" Billy asks, slightly disappointed as he sits down next to me.

"You have a better idea?" I ask him.

"I think so." he whispers into my ear. I can feel his breath on my neck, then his lips are placed softly in the same place.

"I think I like where this is going..." I say with a sigh.

"How about we cuddle... with our lips." Billy whispers in my neck.

"Oh I definitely like where this is going." I say before he turns my head and places his lips on mine.

We made out for a few minutes before we decided to watch a movie and actually cuddle until dinner. Ever since the night he became a superhero, Billy started to join in on the whole 'all hands on deck' thing we do, which makes me really happy. Which I think Billy knows.

𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now