Chapter twelve

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One day, because of the money they stole, Billy and Freddy decided to go to an agency to ask for a lair. Yes, a lair. I told them it wouldn't work but they insisted on it.

"Guys, stop, this isn't going to work." I said pulling on Freddy's sleeve as we were walking into the agency.

"It will, trust me, we got Maximum Voltage." Freddy responds meaning Billy.

"A lair?" the woman asks us when the guys told her what they wanted.

"Yes. And obviously, we're gonna have to make this purchase anonymously." Freddy says.

"Obviously." the woman said with confusion written all over her face.

"And um, if you have a location, like, on a cliff, like a castle-esque type thing. Overlooking some water."

"Over some water, seas below it"

"Rough, you know."

"Like waterfall, so you can, like..."

"Waterfall! Yeah, if you have water... Yeah."

Freddy and Billy, in his adult form, were going back in forth, describing what they wanted, while I just sat there embarrassed for all of us.

"Look, Maximum... Voltage, is it?" the business woman asked Billy.

"You can call me Max." Billy responded making finger guns.

"Look, Max. Why don't you just start with how many bedrooms you're looking for?" the woman asked.




"Seven? What am I runnin' a foster home too now?"

Needless to say, we didn't get a lair.

*time skip*

We decided to slow down on the power practice because of having so many videos already. More and more people noticed them and now everyone in Philadelphia knew about them. So now when we were walking through the halls together people were watching the videos by their lockers.

As we were walking together, Billy's arm around me, we heard a girl ask a boy if he had seen one video where Billy threw a football into space, which by the way was my idea.

"Hey, you know, you guys gotta wonder who's filming those, right? I mean, that's bravery in and of itself." Freddy called out to them.

"I mean, is it though?" Billy questioned.

"Yeah, I'd actually argue maybe even more brave." Freddy answered quickly.

"Holding a camera?" I ask, taking Billy's side.

"Staring into the face of danger." Freddy said with confidence.

"Like some weirdo fanboy." Billy laughed.

"Hey there you maybe want to ditch this nerd and hangout with us sometime?" one of the Breyer brothers asked stopping me.

"No, she'd rather stay with me." Billy answered for me, both of us knowing it was just to mess with my feelings.

"Whatever. Hey, Freeman." the same one said pulling Freddy's shirt like he was about to punch him.

"I-I wouldn't do that if I were you." Freddy said trying to sound threatening.

"What, is your bestie gonna hit us with a wheelchair this time?" the other asked sarcastically.

"No, maybe not him but I have another best friend. Who might hunt you down and destroy both of you." Freddy said, still trying to sound threatening but failing.

"Okay, Freddy." Billy said trying to get him to stop before he did something to get him beat up again.

"You may have heard of him. Uh, uh, the Human Powerstorm, Frequency Flinger, Sir-Zaps-A-Lot. Yeah, he's a man of many names." Freddy continued.

"You know the Red Cyclone? You? Huh. My ass, you do." the first one said.

"Oh, we're a lot closer than you may think. Maybe even at this very moment." Freddy said trying to redeem himself. This whole time they were talking about the hero Billy was paranoid, but at what Freddy had just said, he tensed up.

"Prove it." the bully retorted.

"I will tomorrow. Tomorrow he's gonna come to lunch and... r-right Billy? Y/N?" Freddy said, losing confidence. Both of us nodded.

"Oh, yeah, and Superman's gonna be bringing us dessert, right?" the other one asked sarcastically. Then the bell rang and Billy was getting a little antsy, and he never worries about being late.

"Tomorrow at lunch. You'll see." Freddy said.

"And when he doesn't show, then we'll kick your ass." the first one said lightly slapping Freddy on the face and then leaving.

"So wait, my identity's a secret so no one I know can get hurt. Except when it makes you look cool, then then it's all good." Billy says when we start to walk away and I can tell that he's irritated.

"Billy, it's not like they're supervillains they're just super douchebags." Freddy responds.

"So you're breaking your own rule? Got it." Billy answers more irritated.

"This thing is as much as mine as it is yours." Freddy says when we're outside of mine and Billy's next class.

"I'm starting to think you think it's all your thing." Billy says when he walks away.

"Billy, you're still gonna do it, though, right? I mean what would a good brother do?" Freddy called out to Billy as he walked into class.

"Freddy, you can't make decisions for Billy, you can't just do that. And no, it's not as much as ours as it is Billy's, he's the one with the powers, not us." I say walking through the door.

"Freddy just makes me so mad sometimes." Billy says when I sit down next to him.

"I know, and you're right, it's not Freddy's or mine, it's yours. I think Freddy's just jealous, he's had it tough his whole life and when he saw you with these amazing gifts, he wanted to be you so badly. He's trying to feel as close as he can to being like you, having those powers." I say calming him down and explaining Freddy's side.

"You are so amazing you know that? You can read people so easily." Billy said staring at me.

"No, I can just read my twin." I say with a smile.

𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now