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Aya Weathers was not a fun loving person.

It wasn't that she didn't know how to, not that she had the time to anyway. No, she preferred to focus on the necessities of life which including her bare longing to be successful and living a stable life. Rarely did any moment pass where Aya wasn't working her hardest. It was something out of the ordinary. She remembered telling her mother she would have her name in lights. In order to live up to those expectations, it would take more than a slap on the wrist.

Those memories blazed brightly in the back of her mind, though she always had the vague impression that there was more to life than success. This impression was ignored, for she wanted more than anything in the world to earn the rights to a lavish life. Yes, earn. Not receive. Aya felt that if you only receive something without working for it, then you did not truly deserve it.

Writing was her way to showcase her hard work. She wrote whatever came to mind, whenever. It distracted her from all of the complications that plagued her life for so long. Complications that would build, and continue to build.

Until they lead up to him.

"I've seen some of your work online, Aya. I can say I am impressed." Mr. Wilson complimented her on her songwriting and lyricist abilities.

Anthony Wilson was a prominent figure in the life of multitalented R&B singer, Chris Brown, seeing that he was his manager. However, Anthony felt as if Chris's music needed a bit of a new sound. Things were starting to sound the same and similarities don't make money.

"Thank you, Mr. Wilson." Aya grinned with enclosed lips.

"How would you feel if I asked you to co-write Christopher's next album?" He offered her.

"Entitled?" She asked him to elaborate.

"That's for you to decide. His ninth studio album, if we don't count the mixtapes like X Files and Fan of a Fan." Anthony named the album.

"Can you tell me what you're expecting in this album? Lyrics or a beat?" Aya tested his intentions.

"If I were expecting a beat, I wouldn't be speaking to you." He chuckled slightly, rubbing his hand down his face.

"Hm. Alright, Mr. Wilson. You have yourself a deal."

Aya didn't know what she was getting herself into when she accepted the deal. Even worse, when she signed the contract. She wanted to only see this as an opportunity to raise her net worth. Little did she know, Chris would make it much more that that.

Once the storm hit, all she could do was wait for it to be over. Or at least wait until she was in the eye of the hurricane. She was tied down, no excuses. Business before personal life was her fuel. Her motto. Maybe it wouldn't be for much longer.

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