Aya Weathers
2 Months Later
So all ties with Christopher are completely cut. I mean, completely. Have I spoken to him? No. Have I seen him? No. oh yeah
Now I know y'all are thinking, "Then how the hell are you supposed to work with him if y'all aren't speaking?" Let me explain that.
First, it was the text messages.
Can we talk?
Why not?
You're not making any sense.
Are you just gonna keep saying no?
Let me talk to you, please.
Aya.2 missed calls from Yellow Thot.
This is getting irritating.
Stop ignoring me.no.
Can we at least be friends? And please say something other than no.
So is that a yes?
absolutely not.
Soon he started abusing the power of enhanced communications via SMS or phone call, so I had to hit that nice lil' block button. I was fed up.
Then the problem emerged that I still needed to somehow work with him. I'm like "The hell we gone do now?"
Eventually I figured that I could just send him the songs through email, so that's exactly what I did. Then he decided to be smart and started emailing me for other reasons than music.
Blocked again.
So I decided I would start leaving the music at his doorstep or in his mailbox whenever he wasn't home. Actually mailing it wouldn't be too beneficial because things wouldn't arrive on time, and packages can get swapped, it's just overall confusing.
Then this nigga not only got smart, but also creative and figured out that it was me that was delivering the music. His excuse? Mail delivery isn't active on Sundays.
He showed up to my house with roses, diamonds, this, that, and the third. Did I care? No.
Luckily, I was smart enough to know not to actually answer the door when he arrived and ask who it was ahead of time. I say this because if I would've even gave him one chance to get in the house, he would've taken it gladly even if it was by force.
So when he came pounding at my door like he was the feds, I took my stubborn ass right up them stairs and put my Airpods in, making sure my volume was so loud my eardrums would bleed. I got in the best nap that afternoon.

Tough Love *COMPLETED*
RomantikAya Weathers is a hardworking, talented, aspiring songwriter who prefers to put her goals before her personal life. Christopher Brown is a stubborn, rude singer who has his guard up and doesn't plan to let anyone in. Together, the two of them will b...