Aya Weathers
sn't she so pretty? Ugh
Today I decided to tell Tony I wasn't going to go into the studio. Ever since I started, it hasn't been much fun. Chris is still rude and obnoxious, just slightly more focused. It's a little irritating having to deal with his mood swings. One second he's cracking jokes, the next he's calling me a bitch and complaining about the work I make him do.
As I was typing away on my laptop, I received a phone call from an unsaved number.
"Hello?" I grumbled, not really in the mood to talk.
"Why didn't you come in today?" Chris's voice boomed through the phone. I really gotta get my number changed so this nigga will stop calling me.
"Well hello to you too, Christopher." I said in a sarcastic tone.
"Where are you?" He asked unnecessarily loudly.
"Not home. Why?" I lied straight through my teeth.
"You're lying. I see your car in your driveway." Chris said.
"Are you outside of my house?" I asked him. I wasn't going to get up to look. Even if he was out there, which I know he's not, I'm not very exhilarated to see him.
"I might be." I heard him chuckle on the other end.
"Cap. You don't even know where I live." There was a knock at the door which was an intervening obstacle for my plan of not moving from the spot I made warm on the couch.
"I do know where you live." I augmented my eyebrow, standing up to go fetch the door.
"Alright. If you're really outside of my house, describe who's standing at the door." I stood at the door with my hand placed on the knob.
"Tall, about 6'1". Light caramel skin. Fade with blonde curls, lots of tattoos. Black shirt, a few chains around his neck. Ripped denim jeans, black Air Forces." The person he described sounded almost exactly like him. I swung the door open to see Christopher's built figure standing with a smug smile plastered on his face. I hung up the phone and tried to quickly return the door to it's sealed state, but that was thwarted by Chris's strong arm, which pushed the door, along with me, wide open.
"You have a nice house." Chris complimented as he invited himself in.
"Get out." I groaned, keeping the door open.
"I would love to stay, thanks for asking." He took an unwelcomed seat in the spot I kept warm for myself. Muttering something inaudible, I slammed my front door shut.
"Inform me of your motive for showing up at my door and inviting yourself into my lovely pad." I blinked long. He hadn't even said much yet and I was already getting irritated.
"You didn't want to come to the studio, so I brought the studio to you." He gave me a cheeky grin, only aggravating me more.
"I don't see any studio." I pushed his legs off of the couch and replaced the space with my own body.
"This is the studio. Me, you, my voice, and this lovely laptop of yours." Chris said as he grabbed my laptop off of the coffee table.
"You have 5 seconds to put my laptop back where it was before I murder you." I threatened him in the most grim voice I could make.
"Why?" He took my threat for granted.
"'Cause I said so. Now give it here." I reached for it but he only pulled it closer to his face and away from me.

Tough Love *COMPLETED*
عاطفيةAya Weathers is a hardworking, talented, aspiring songwriter who prefers to put her goals before her personal life. Christopher Brown is a stubborn, rude singer who has his guard up and doesn't plan to let anyone in. Together, the two of them will b...