Chap. 57 • "Hatred"

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Christopher Brown

These past couple of weeks have been the hardest ever. I'm missing my daughter, I lost my girlfriend, and I'm all over the place. I've been drinking more than what's healthy, going out every night, it's ridiculous.

Aya is such a damn hypocrite that it makes no sense, I mean really. How is she gonna give me such fuss for cheating on her, then go back and do the same thing and expect me to be okay? I told that girl I loved her and she took it as just a word, a joke. Then she tried to use that against me so I would feel bad for her, fuck all that.

I'm done with spending my time on these bitches that ain't worth it. I sat there and turned my life around just for her to go and do some grimy shit. And to think that I wanted to marry that hoe.

That's alright, I'm going back to the way it was. I ain't need her before, I don't need her now.

"Baby, come back to bed." The girl from the night before, who's name I can't remember, called me. I chuckled and licked my lips, setting the bottle of Hennessy back down on my counter.

"Ight, I'm coming, shorty."


Aya Weathers

I stayed posted on the couch, eating a large bowl of cookies and cream ice cream, my favorite. I had been watching kids movies all week, just because Ken has me hooked on them. She had me watching Princess and the Frog so much that I knew every word to the movie. Reminds me of Royalty.

I heard a knock at the door, distracting me from the cookies pieces I was playing with. I put the spoon down and set the bowl on my coffee table. When I stood up, I noticed that my stomach was looking a little bloated, only by the slightest.

I opened the door to see Tory standing there with several bags in his hands and a wide smile on his face. I furrowed my brows, not confused as to why he had the bags, but more-so about why he was here.

"What are you doing here?" I scratched my head.

"What? I can't come see my best friend now?" He invited himself in, almost knocking me out of the way. In confusion, I closed the door behind him.

"You don't hate me too? Chris is your best friend."

"I stayed cool with Chris when he cheated on you, so why wouldn't I stay cool with you? I don't care about what y'all got going on, you're my best friend regardless." He set the bags down on my kitchen counter and approached me, hugging me tightly.

"That's actually really good to hear. I've been kinda lonely these past few weeks. Kenya has school so it's just me in the house." I rubbed his back as we transitioned over to the kitchen.

"Who is Kenya?" He asked.

"Oh, right. My niece. She's staying with me now. Her parents died," I opened one of the bags, seeing that it was Chipotle. "Oh my God, I love you." I swooned.

"Tough case. Well, I brought you over some stuff cause I figured you would need to cheer up a bit, and I was bored in the house."

"Thank you so much," I opened another bag, seeing that there was a bottle of alcohol in it. "Oh no, none of this for me." I set it to the side.

"Why not? You finally going on that diet you swore you were going to go on like a long ass time ago?" I grabbed the bag with the Chipotle and made my way back to the couch.

"No. You're not supposed to drink alcohol when you're pregnant." I pulled my lips into my mouth and looked up at him. He stared at me with a blank expression.

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