Aya Weathers is a hardworking, talented, aspiring songwriter who prefers to put her goals before her personal life. Christopher Brown is a stubborn, rude singer who has his guard up and doesn't plan to let anyone in. Together, the two of them will b...
I'm actually proud as hell of myself for how good I been doing with Aya. If it was any other girl, I would've cheated by now, no lie. I get bored with people easily. But Aya is a new experience. There's just something about the way that she doesn't take shit from nobody that lets me know she ain't one to play with. Some girls are too easy and let dudes run over them, but not her. That's why I don't want to lose her.
"You gonna come in to the studio today? Me and Tony are sitting here bored as shit with no music." I informed Aya of my whereabouts as I took a long drag from the blunt me and Tony were sharing.
"Does that require me getting up and driving?" She groaned. I heard shuffling on the other end so I'm assuming she got up. So fucking lazy.
"You want me to come pick you up? I was gonna order something to eat, but I can stop on the way." I offered. I love driving with her for some odd reason.
"No, I'll be there in a few. You drive too crazy for me and my morning sickness." She insulted my need for speed.
"Well excuse the fuck outta me." I scoffed and passed the blunt over to Tony. That nigga was faded as hell.
"Shut up. See you in a bit." And with that the call was ended. I shook my head and slid a text to my nigga Tory.
You gonna hit the stu'? Aya finna slide and we got some heat for you. Sent at 11:42 AM
T. Lanez: Yeah, lemme get back down and Imma hit you in a few. 11:43 AM
Dwu, Imma tell Tony. Sent at 11:43 AM
"Yo, Tory and Aya both finna be up here in a lil' bit." I told Tony as I opened my Instagram feed. I saw a post by the Shaderoom, but I chose not to entertain their shit today.
"Y'all got something for me?" He asked as he went out to the balcony and threw the roach out, letting in some fresh air which was much needed.
"Some slight shit. 2, maybe 3 songs." I shrugged off the thought. It's not like I haven't worked with Tory before. I did want him on this album though.
"At least you and Elle are finally acting like y'all got some fucking sense and getting along." Oh yeah, we get along real good. Wait a minute, Elle?
"Who the fuck is Elle?" I rumpled my face, confused at where the hell he got that name from. Like I knew he was zooted, but damn.
"I just remembered that a while back, Aya told me her middle name was Noelle so people called her Elle. It just dawned on me." He explained. The two of us exchanged confused glances before simultaneously bursting into laughter.
"Bro, just shut up." I waved him off as my laughter began to simmer down. I took a few dramatic breaths, chuckling occasionally as the thought of that exchange reoccurred in my brain.
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