Aya Weathers
"And you said no?!" Karilyn shouted over the Bluetooth speaker in my car. I decided to tell her everything from the cheating, down to the fake relationship. I needed somebody to talk to this about.
"Yeah, I said no. Which I thought would save me a lot of trouble, but it only brought more." I placed only one hand on the steering wheel, nodding my head to inaudible music.
"Why did you even say no?" She asked me as I made a right turn.
"I have to face reality, Chris is no good for me. He's a shameless cheater and if anything goes wrong between us, that'll affect our work environment." I was pulling in closer to the studio building.
"If a killer can change, I'm pretty sure a cheater can too."
"Well until I see that change, once a cheater is always a cheater for me." I shrugged as I pulled into the parking lot.
"Alright, you do you boo. I'll talk to you later."
"Bye, KK." I said before pressing the end call button on my steering wheel.
It may seem that I would be bummed out today since Chris isn't talking to me, but I actually feel better than ever. I received a piece of exciting news and I wasn't going to let anything or anybody ruin that. I'm doing me.
I entered the building with a deep breath and a warm smile on my face.
"Good morning, Aya." The receptionist, Lauren, waved at me with a beaming grin. Even though we butt heads at first, I've actually grown very acquainted with her.
"Morning, Lauren. Take it easy today, be careful with the attitude." I winked at her before getting inside of the elevator.
I sighed heavily as the dual doors slid open, revealing the level 3 hallway. I stepped out cautiously, approaching the wooden door with the combination "3C" written in bold letters inside of a gold box. I twisted the handle and opened the door, entering with nothing but my laptop, a black coffee, and my pride.
"Good morning everyone." I chirped. I said everyone since it was me, Tony, Chris, and an angry Amoeba sprawled out on the couch.
"Somebody's in a good mood." Tony gave me a warm smile.
"I sure am. I received an interesting phone call stating that I get to expand on my songwriting partnerships. In other words, H.E.R wants to work with me!" I beamed taking a sip of my coffee.
"I knew you had it in you. Undecided was a hit." He congratulated me with a pat on the back.
"Big deal, Chris is already collaborating with H.E.R on his album." Ammika spoke up with an eye roll.
"I know. I wrote the song." I smirked seeing how deeply she tried to allow her glare to pierce my cinnamon skin. I wouldn't let her get to me. Not today.
"Have you started on anything for her?" Tony asked. Chris is awfully quiet.
"I have lyrics, but no sound." I sighed deeply and took a seat, opening my laptop.
"Let me hear." He requested. I went to the file titled 'Carried Away'.
"In my fall, I'm good, I'll be okay. Fronting, I don't wanna be loved anyway. That's why I'll do as I say 'cause I had a bad case. Losing the game I never wanted to play." I recited the words.
"What does all of that mean to you?" He leaned in, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Some girls are gullible, and can't tell right from wrong. Other girls see heartbreak coming easily and take drastic measures to avoid it. However, that doesn't always work out. We apply heartbreak to a reputation to know what we're avoiding. Some of us set barriers. But somebody once told me that if a killer can change, a cheater can too. Unfortunately, by the time we realize that it's too late. Bottling up emotions makes things worse."

Tough Love *COMPLETED*
RomanceAya Weathers is a hardworking, talented, aspiring songwriter who prefers to put her goals before her personal life. Christopher Brown is a stubborn, rude singer who has his guard up and doesn't plan to let anyone in. Together, the two of them will b...