Christopher Brown
It's been a month since our short trip to Virginia. I still haven't mustered up the courage to ask Aya what the hell happened, simply because she's been so moody since then. I occasionally catch her in the act of crying, but then she'll lie and say that it was just really bad period cramps. I ain't stupid, you only get a period one week a month, so why is she crying every week?
She doesn't even fuck me like she used to. I mean, don't get me wrong, her shit still makes me want to give her another baby. But I can tell that sometimes, other things are on her mind. I feel so bad for her, but I really don't know exactly what I'm feeling bad about.
I just wanna hug her and tell her everything will be alright, but I understand that whatever this is was really damaging to her mental state. I try to cater to her as much as I can, and I'm sure she appreciates the love and effort, but simple things like breakfast in bed and back rubs won't heal her damaged heart.
"You girls hungry?" I asked Royalty and Kenya as they sat on my couch watching a movie. Aya left out to go pick up more diapers for Ayden, leaving me with all three kids.
"No." They said simultaneously. I sighed deeply and picked up Ayden out of his crib, moving his hair out of his face. I wiped slobber off of the corner of his mouth and he stuck is tongue out.
"What is that?" I scrunched up my face.
"Ah." He waved his arms around and stuck his tongue out at me again. I did it back and he giggled.
"You making faces at me, chunky butt? You making faces at daddy?" I asked him, pinching his soft cheek. He gave me a wide gummy smile, looking up at me with doll eyes.
"You stink." I snorted. He squealed and twisted around, playfully trying to get out of my grasp.
"Boy, don't be doing that. Tryna get us both killed." I scoffed. And yes I mean us. If Ayden fell out of my arms, he would get hurt because he's still fragile, and Aya wouldn't let me live to see 32.
The front door opened and in walked Aya, laboring several bags. I didn't even notice how cute she looked when she left. Her hair was in two messy space buns, she wore a striped top, a denim skirt, and red Vans. I understand why she gets so offended by my bad dressing sometimes.
"Tete!" Kenya shouted as her and Royalty jumped up to hug her. Why don't I ever get this kind of love? Something ain't right here.
"Hi my babies! Did you miss me?" She hugged them back tightly. She hasn't been feeling the best lately, but I could never say them kids don't give her all the joy in the world. Even in her sadness, she can give them the biggest smile she has to offer.
"Yes, Daddy's boring." Royalty insulted me. I gasped and placed a hand on my chest.
"I am not boring." I denied.
"Yes you are." Kenya agreed with her.
I kissed my teeth. "You know what, me and Ayden don't like y'all either. Isn't that right, Aydie?" I turned my head towards him. He screamed and smacked me dead in my face. Of course, everybody got a kick out of that.
"Now you gon' learn to listen when I say he's a mommy's baby." Aya walked past me, placing the bags on the counter. I rolled my eyes.
"I know you ain't need three bags for just diapers. What's all this?" I placed Ayden on the couch next to Ro.
"The girls and I are gonna bake a cake today." She said while unloading the bags, showing vanilla cake batter, a container of buttercream icing, different kinds of sprinkles, and food dye. And taco seasoning.

Tough Love *COMPLETED*
RomanceAya Weathers is a hardworking, talented, aspiring songwriter who prefers to put her goals before her personal life. Christopher Brown is a stubborn, rude singer who has his guard up and doesn't plan to let anyone in. Together, the two of them will b...