The beginning.

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This is hata

This is Marie

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This is Marie. She's two years older than Hata.

 She's two years older than Hata

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This is Barbie.

This is Barbie

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This is Dan

     This is the story about one day that changes everything

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This is the story about one day that changes everything. Hata was thinking about this day and about all the decisions she made over and over again. All the stories start with "she was just an ordinary girl" but Hata truly wasn't. Her personality, her surface and even her name is really unique. Her name is Khatia but everyone calls her hata for so long her original name sounds unusual for her. Hata naturally has brown hair but she dyes it ginger, she has messy curly bangs, her clothes are so bright that sometimes she looks surrealistic with her huge canvases she just painted on or yellow ukulele sticking out of her yellow backpack with actual rubber ducks in it. Let's just say all eyes are always on her. She's the most optimistic human being and her look shows who she is inside.
Hata spends most of her time on Instagram posting pictures for her followers. Well she is pretty famous on the internet known as hata rock. She loves sharing everything about her life every little detail. She probably just isn't able to hide anything so it wasn't a secret she had a crush on Dan Smith from Bastille. She had a crush on him since their famous Pompeii song and just couldn't help but dream about him. Her friends used to joke that she'll never have a real boyfriend because of her fictional relationship with popular singer but she just wasn't interested in anyone except Dan.

That day they had a little sleepover with her best friend Barbie and her sister Marie. Barbie is hata's ex classmate. They graduated two years ago but still spend all the time together. Hata and Barbie are so close some people think they're dating. They even went to the prom together. Barbie dyes her hair blue as long as Hata can remember her. Marie is Hata's older sister. She changes her hair color so often she jokes she might lose it soon. She currently has half pink half blue hair but she's probably going to dye them again tomorrow. Marie and Hata are really close. You would say they're sister goals because they truly are. They somehow are really different but very similar at the same time. Marie looks like this kind of girl you always wanted to be. She may look bitchin' but she's the sweetest person in the world. Those three always have the most fun together.
- WAKE THE FUCK UP WE'RE LATE TO UNI - hata shouted while shaking Marie's shoulders.
- Oh my god oh my god I have a - pause - we go to different university. I don't even have anything today!
- Same, you're the one who's late, Hata, lol - Barbie said.
- Oh. Um does anyone..maybe..wants to come with m-
-NO - they shouted together.
- Okay then imma leave and I'm going to find new friends there. BYE.
For the first time in her life Hata didn't even care about her look. She was too exhausted because of last night. How much did they even drink? Who knows. It was the middle of September so she didn't even bother tooking a jacket. Hata was an art student. She actually loved studying because she was doing things she loved but today she just needed some sleep.

- Marie?
- Mhm - she mumbled
- What are we gonna do for Hata's birthday?
- We have a lot of time to think about it... it's in.. in
- IN LESS THAN A WEEK - they both shouted and jumped out of the bed.
- Holy shit... - Marie whispered.
Marie was always the best in picking presents. But this year she was so busy studying she hadn't time to think about it. No, she's not going to give up on her "the best sister in the world" dignity.
- I don't know, should we get something yellow? Something with Dan? - Barbie asked
- Yeah, her danobsession is getting worse but she already has everything my with dan doesn't she?
- Except of an actual Dan.
- Ooooh
- No, Marie, I don't like this look. We can't kidnap Dan it's illegal.
- Oh god we're not gonna kidnap him we could buy tickets for Bastille concert! And if he accidentally happens to be in the bag on the backseat..let it be... - Marie smiled with her best psychopath smile.
- I love the idea! I mean not the backseat part - Barbie said and they started laughing.
- I can't believe we're doing it. This is the best gift in the world what did she do to deserve-
- Barbie, tour ended two weeks ago.
- to deserve such a dumb friends...
- You know what? Not a big deal! She already knows she missed the tour, right? - Marie asked with eyes full of hope - so let's just organize a trip to London?
- Yes! We've never been to London yet!
- And she loves England!
- And trips!
- And trips with us!
- Oh girl what did she do to deserve us...

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