First Date

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-I HAVE NO CLOTHES! - Hata was running around the room - I HATE MY LIFE.
-Wait you just-
-I'll be wearing some old ass clothes and when he'll see me he will just go back home because I'm so ugly and-
-SHUT UP, HATA! - Marie looked straight in Hata's eyes. - listen just calm down. You're just nervous but you have enough clothes and you look better than anyone in this city, okay?
Hata nodded but was still about to cry.
-What about this dress? - Barbie was holding a yellow off shoulder dress.
-But it's too cold for this dress!
-So let him hoooold both your hands in holes of his sweater- Barbie sang.
-I mean I love the idea but if I'm gonna freeze to death? Oh here we go I died for the 7th time.
-It's pretty sunny outside - Barbie was sure in this dress.
-My phone says it's gonna rain at 1AM but I think you'll be back by this time. Until...
-Shut up - Hata threw a pillow at Marie.

Hata was ready. She was looking even prettier than ever in her mini yellow dress. Her hands were cold when she was waiting for Dan under that huge tree she already met him before. He saw him from afar. A guy in pink sweatshirt blue jeans and vans. It was Dan. He was looking at her and smiling. Someone had to pinch her because she just couldn't believe her eyes.
-Hello-he smiled softly.
-Hey-she finally hugged him. Now she knew what Dan smells like. But she suddenly started panicking. Isn't she breathing too damn loud? She hopes not.
-I don't have any of your stuff to give you this time. And since you couldn't get your London Eye tattoo I got you tiny London Eye- He gave her a snowglobe with London Eye.
-Oh, this is so sweet, thank you - she hugged him again. Yes. Two times already.
-No problem - he looked at her with his incredibly blue eyes and Hata almost fainted. He saw that he make her blush but just couldn't take his eyes off of her, Hata looked absolutely angelic in this dress.

They went to the park. Dan said it's his favorite park and sometimes he comes here for inspiration. They just couldn't stop talking, it felt like they have known each other for years.
-I love how you always wear yellow. This is so funny.
-Oh just like you with your caps. If you'd wore a hat today as well I would think you have a huge hole instead of top of your head and you're trying to hide it.
-I don't know how did you know but this is rude! I don't like thinking about it...Zombie apocalypse was horrible...they ate my brain...
-So there's a hole in your..
-I see what you're doing here - he started laughing. can't fill it you can't fill it...
-Yes and YOU can fill it with your brain. That's why I texted you. That's the plan.. and I'll become a famous artist with your skills
-How the fuck do you manage to do that haha
-Okay okay I'll be instagram model then!
-Oh by the way - why didn't Hata think about it before - How did you find my Instagram?
-I loved the zombie thing let's just-
-For real! How did you do that?
-Okay - Dan felt like his face was getting red - I was stupid enough not to ask your name two days ago but when I had your phone I saw some notifications from Instagram. I spent the whole day trying to find you because I could only remember it was something with rock - he laughed nervously - luckily you happened to be pretty famous.
-Oh god are you the cutest? - if Hata wasn't already in love with him she just did - oh you know if I didn't know your name I could just guess.
-I know I'm boring! - they started laughing.

It was the best day in Hata's life. Dan was everything she ever wanted and even more. Is this how soulmates feel? Because both of them felt like happiest people in the world. They went to cafe Dan ordered banana flavoured ice cream for Hata because it was yellow. They joked a lot and laughed so loud all the eyes were on them.
-I feel like they hate us - Hata whispered.
-Same, should we leave until they they burned us?

It was 11PM when they went outside. What's this noise? Oh it rains and it's not even 1AM yet!
-See! I think you wouldn't mind a hat now - Dan smiled - my place is two blocks away we could go there...if you want to. I mean I can walk you to Hotel obviously it's just far away from here but anyways whatever you say.
-Your house better be close because I'm freezing! - Hata just wanted to get warm and if seeing Dan's apartment is a bonus, why not?
-Okay, get ready to run! - Dan looked at Hata with a smirk and grabbed her hand.

Dan's hand was surprisingly warm, everything looked so surreal. Hata looked at her own hand holding Dan's hand and she felt like she was watching herself from the distance. Their clothes were wet but they didn't care. The only thing that mattered was Dan's hand holding hers. The street started spinning around them as they were running and giggling for no reason. Oh lord just let him hold my hand like this forever, she thought.

Hata's outfit

Hata's outfit

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