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Lami had been following her mother for quiet a while now. "Come and escort me,yeah? It's not that far, we'll go by foot."
That was all she was told. They had settled in their new house, and Lami was now familiar with everyone in her new class. She had already lost the 'new girl' vibe by then.

They stopped in an area Lami was a bit familiar with, she sometimes pass by to go to Maman Mahmoud's shop.
"See that canteen?" Her mother turned.
"The yellow one?" Lami looked at the canteen properly.
"Yes that one."
"Yes I do. What about it?" She replied.
"It's yours." And if anyone had said it Lami would've laughed and called them a liar.

But Sadiya was no liar.

"But how? Where did you even get the money?" Lami panicked.
"Mallam Musa, the one that hit you with his car. He gave us money as compensation,in case something comes up. The best way to keep money is to invest it,so we did. I also used all the money you saved from your talla. There's no point in it now, since your father is back on his feet. But that doesn't mean you should leave the money to waste, right?"
"I suppose yes. So what now, who stays in the shop?" Lami asked.
"Your cousin,Bappa. I trust him for now, if anything happens then we'll find someone else. He'll do for now, however."
"Umma, I don't even know where to start. Nagode Allah ya saka da alheri."


Lami finished her primary school with ease. She had many friends willing to teach her what she didn't know. The teachers were skilled enough and were willing to tutor any interested student during their free time. And Lami learned a thing or two about choosing friends carefully. Karima was okay, more than okay even. Zainab however,was a two faced, manipulating,hypocritic-

A lot of things in summary and Lami suffered a lot because of her. She made sure she found out which secondary school Zainab was applying and after that, she chose a different school that was far from her own. There's nothing wrong with precaution,after all.


Maybe I should've written more on her relationship with Zainab. But you know what? IDC🤷

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