Chapter 1

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Y/N= Your name
L/N: Last name
H/L= Your hair length
H/C: Hair color
E/C= Eye color


You were out on the road. Mario and Peach were at the front, Blue Toad and Yellow Toad were bouncing around excited about the hotel, and you and Luigi were at the back. Red Toad was driving the bus. It was a little scary since he couldn't see out of the window beside him.

AN: I decided to give you a puppy. Polterpup is a boy and Polterpuppy is a girl, your's is Polterpuppy.

You and Luigi were sleeping when a road bump interrupted your sleep. Both of you woke up and yawned. Polterpup and Polterpuppy appeared out of nowhere and scared Luigi. You giggled and scratched both of the pup's ears. You took the invitation from the older Polterpup and looked at it. You looked at Luigi and smiled.

Time has passed, the gang arrived at the hotel. Peach went out first and two toads carried her luggage. Mario came out, then you, lastly Luigi. Luigi looked up at the hotel and was wowed. You ran in and were surprised about the inside of the hotel.

Y/N: Wowie-zowie! This place is HUGE!!

Luigi walked up to the front desk and rang the bell.

Steward: Welcome, guests to The Last Resort! Are you ready to check-in?

You walked up to Luigi's side and nodded.

Y/N: We're ready to check in!

Steward: Alright! Your all checked in! Hellen will come to meet with you shortly!

The elevator beeped and out came a woman.

Hellen: Welcome, guest to The Last Resort! My name is Hellen Gravely, and I am the owner of this hotel. I am delighted that you decided to accept my invitation.

Hellen started walking down the stairs. She stopped in front of you and the gang at the bottom of the stairs.

Hellen: You all must be very tired. Come! Allow me to show you to your rooms.

Y/N: Should we get our luggage?

Hellen: Oh, no need to worry about your luggage! Our exceptional staff will take care of it for you...

You and the gang looked to the side and saw a staff member was taking your luggage.

Hellen: Ha ha ha... you are our VIPs, after all!

Hellen powdered her face with powder.

Hellen: We've prepared a first-rate experience for you. All the trappings of luxury! Shall we get going?

The powder made Luigi sneeze. You giggled.

Luigi: Oh, excuse me. *giggles*

You all went to the elevator and the elevator lifted you to the floor you will be sleeping in. Floor 5.

The elevator beeped and you and the gang walked out.

Hellen: Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Y/N's rooms are on this side. We haven't forgotten about you Toads too. I hope you enjoy your stay! I daresay you'll remember it for the rest of your lives! Hahaha...

You and the gang went to their rooms.

Helen: Sleep well~

Each of you went to your rooms and went inside.

Peach: Good night!

Mario: Night-Night!

Luigi/You: Night-Night!

AN: I'm going to put you and Luigi into separate rooms, ok readers? I don't want smut in this book.

---------Time has passed. Night Time.--------

Y/N: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Luigi woke up to the sound of your screams. He jolted up his eyes and looked around. He grabbed his flashlight from beside him and walked out of his room.

Luigi: Y-Y/N? Huh?!

Polterpup and Polterpuppy were already outside when he heard you scream.

Polterpup/Polterpuppy: Woof-Woof!! (Come on, Luigi!)

The whole room was transforming into a darker figure. Purple light glew until the whole hotel was dark.

Luigi walked into your room, but you weren't there. He walked out, panicking about where you would be. He walked further down the hall and heard the elevator beep. Out came Hellen Gravely and she saw Luigi. She flew towards Luigi.

Hellen: Well well well! If it isn't my MOST esteemed VIP! I was just on my way to see you... Is your room living up to your expectations? Doesn't it SCREAM good taste?

Luigi just stood there, confused.

Luigi: Uh...

Helen: Oh, I can barely contain myself. You have no idea how much I wanted you to accept my invitation! "Why is that?" I'm sure you're wondering. Hahaha... You see... there is someone I truly adore! He's the inspiration for some of my greatest ideas... Like inviting you here! I'm such a huge fan of his! That's why it's so wonderful that I get to introduce him to... YOU! That's right, Luigi! I hope you're ready!

AN: Ok, I decided to turn King Boo into a human. Just being a Boo is kinda cliche.

Helen rose her cape and put it down. He looked like he came from the evil Victorian Era. King Boo DID have a Victorian Attire, very fancy the boo was.

AN: Well, no der. He is a KING!

He had pale skin, purple glowing eyes, a black shirt with a purple tie, a white cape with a purple inside. White gloves, white pants, and white hair. His crown was magical. With the magic purple jeweled crown, he looked more evil and corrupted.
His laughter was maniacal. Luigi was shocked when he appeared in front of him.

King Boo: Mwah haha! Surprise, Luigi! It's-a me, King Boo! That old coot had me locked up tight in his lab... But guess what? I GOT OUT! The hotel owner here was just dying to meet me, so she busted me out. Pretty lucky, huh?

Luigi was quivering with fear. He didn't know what was going on but it frightened him to think about it.

King Boo: Anyway, I didn't think you'd show up here. I was ready though, just in case. My vengeance is nearly complete! What do you mean by "vengeance"? Well, glad you asked! I'm trapping you and everyone in your little vacation party... in frames!

Luigi gasped in fear. He knew what was going on now.

King Boo: Awww, there there, Luigi. It'll all be over soon. It's time for a family reunion! BOO-YA!

Luigi looked at his side and saw his family., When he saw you, he couldn't take it. You showing fear was his greatest weakness.

Luigi: Oh! No!!

King Boo made them disappear. Luigi looked back at King Boo scared as ever.

King Boo: Mwah haha! Take THAT! Oh, and there's one more frame, of course. I saved it ESPECIALLY for you! Stay right there and put on your best-terrified face, Luigi! This is game over!

King Boo's crown glew and made another frame appear. Luigi started panicking and ran away.

Luigi: Oh no! Nononononono!!

King Boo started chasing Luigi down the hall, knocking everything down, breaking things in his way and making doors disappear without a trace. A dead-end came and Luigi opened the laundry shoot. He looked back and saw King Boo right there, slowly approaching him with the frame.

Luigi looked back at the laundry shoot, back at King Boo, quickly looking back at the laundry shoot and went in, but the drop went straight down that Luigi screamed all the way down.

Luigi: WAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

A Lovely Ghost Hunt (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now