Bad Ending

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AN: Art not mine! It belongs to Freakshow_Destiny! Go follow her! She's awesome!

Put the song on loop

Luigi was coughing up blood. He was lying on the ground, cuts, bruises, all over his body. He just couldn't do it. He didn't want to fight, he loved you too much to do it. He tried standing up, but it was no use. He was in so much pain right now.

Luigi: Y-Y/N... p-please. S-Snap out of it. T-This isn't you.

You got closer to him and you butterfly kicked him in the face. Luigi flew back and hit his head on the floor, leaving you smirking evilly. Luigi coughed up the extra blood out of his mouth. 

Luigi: U-Ugh... i-it hurts...

Luigi looked at you and started tearing up. You just looked at him, smirking evilly.

Luigi: Y-Y/N... P-Please, s-snap out of it! This isn't you!

Y/N: It IS me, Luigi! You don't know me as well as my brother does! Now, it's time to end this!

King Boo and you combined your powers and made the frame bigger, and bigger, and bigger. The frame was big enough for the whole hotel to be sucked up. Luigi yelped. He only has 4 minutes until the whole thing is sucked into the frame, but he was too weak to stand up on his own.

You started throwing fireballs at him. Luigi managed to dodge a few but got hit with the last one.

You let out an evil laugh. Before Luigi blacked out, You walked closer to him, with a frame above him. Luigi started crying. He lost you... he lost his friends... he lost everything... Luigi reached out his hand to you, but he blacked out. Luigi managed to mumble out his last words.

Luigi: I-I love you, Y/N...

Y/N: I love you too, Luigi...


You hung the painting on the wall, looking at it with no emotion.

Y/N: Pathetic fools! How can I befriend you? Including you... Luigi. You're nothing but a coward.

King Boo entered and saw the painting hung up on the wall.

King Boo: Ah, it looks complete. Finally, I had my revenge on those Mario brothers. All thanks to my twin sister.

You looked at King Boo and smiled at him.

Y/N: Come, twin brother. Let's rule this world together!

======In your mind======

You were crying, falling to the floor. You couldn't believe you captured them. You kept banging on the solid crystal wall, but it was no use. Your crying made you weak. You just couldn't bare the fate you and your friends were given. Worst of all, you hurt Luigi. You hurt the man you loved.

Y/N: Luigi! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please! I didn't mean to hurt you!

You cried louder and screamed his name in agony.


Ending: Heartbroken

A Lovely Ghost Hunt (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now