Good Ending

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Luigi was coughing up blood. Cuts, bruises all over his body. He didn't stop saving you and his friends. He loves you too much to let you go. 

After defeating King Boo the second time, you and King Boo combined your powers to make the frame bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Luigi yelped. He only has 4 minutes before the whole hotel is gone! You started throwing fireballs at him, but Luigi dodged them all.

Luigi wiped the blood off of him and attacked King Boo again.

=======In your mind======

You were asleep, but you woke up when you heard something crash. You bolted your eyes open and went to the crystal wall. You saw Luigi, covered in blood and bruises. You started crying. You couldn't believe you hurt Luigi.

Y/N: Oh, Luigi. I'm sorry!

You hit the wall with your fist and it made a little crack. You gasped and looked at it.

Y/N: No! I will find a way out of here!

You started hitting the wall with your fists. Hitting it harder, and harder, and harder, until it was all a big crack. You hit it one last time and the whole thing shattered.

Y/N: I did it! I'm coming, Luigi!

======Outside your mind======

You blinked rapidly, looking around. Your eyes became back to normal and you passed out. Falling to the floor, Luigi gasped and took off his Poltergust throwing it aside. He caught you and held you.

Luigi: Y/N? Y/N! Y/N?! Hey, wake up!

He started shaking you awake, but you didn't open your eyes. Luigi started tearing up, scared that you were gone.

Luigi: Y/N, please say something!

.......Nothing. Luigi hugged you and crying on your limp body. King Boo saw and let our an evil laugh.

King Boo: Looks like this will be your end!

King Boo was about to lower the frame on top of you and him. Luigi clenched your body. When King Boo was about to slam it on top of the two of you, Luigi heard a familiar voice.

Maria: Ahoy, Luigi!

Luigi looked up and saw her!

Luigi: Captain Maria!

Her ship was floating, Maria jumped off her ship and kicked King Boo's crown off his head. The crown fell but Maria caught it and smashed it on the ground.

King Boo: NO!!

Purple smoke covered King Boo. The hotel was breaking. Maria tried running towards you and Luigi but it was too late. The hotel broke, leaving Maria, Luigi and King Boo screaming.

But Maria grabbed the rope from her ship and grabbed onto Luigi's hand. Luckily, King Boo landed safely thanks to Polterpuppy. Maria and Luigi landed safely too on the ground.

Maria: Are you ok, Luigi?

Luigi: Yeah, yeah I'm ok. I don't know about Y/N...

Luigi looked at your limp body, teared up. Maria walked up to you and Luigi. She looked at the purple streak in your hair.

Maria: Well, won't you look at that. Look, Luigi.

Luigi looked at the purple streak and looked back at your face. You coughed, signaling both Maria and Luigi that you're waking up.

A Lovely Ghost Hunt (Luigi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now