Chapter 6

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E. Gadd: Oh, Luigi! Y/N! You're finally back, eh? You shouldn't keep an old man waiting, y' know?

You just shrugged.

E. Gadd: I've been busy down here! This lab is almost fully operational. By the way... you must be getting pretty good at exploring the hotel, am I right?

You and Luigi nodded.

E. Gadd: Have you been sucking up stuff with the Poltergust's G-00?

You and Luigi nodded once more.

E. Gadd: Your pockets must be fit to bursting with all the money you've picked up there! Fret not. I have the perfect solution to your cumbersome currency conundrum... Just give it all to me! Drumroll, please! I'm proud to announce...

E Gadd turned around and opened his computer. He banged on it to open and the screen popped open.

E. Gadd: Professor E. Gadd's Shopping Network is now open for business right here in the lab! Ta-da!!! I've stocked some rather useful items. They're all yours... for a modest fee! Hehehehe!

Y/N: Ooh!!

E. Gadd: To celebrate the shop's grand opening, just this once, I'm giving away 2 free Golden Bones. Go on!

You and Luigi claimed a golden bone each.

You/Luigi: Nice!

E. Gadd: I've got other items in stock, so feel free to browse! Oh! I almost forgot! I have one other matter to address while you're here. Y/N, could you turn around for a moment? I need to adjust your Poltergust G-00...

Y/N: Uh... ok?

You turned around. E. Gadd added something to your Poltergust.

E. Gadd: And done! I just added a new feature to the Poltergust G-00! My research indicates that Boos are hiding out in his hotel. I just added a feature to help you track them down! Don't worry about the details- I'll fill you in later. Well then! That's it from me, you two. Get back out there and keep exploring the hotel!

You and Luigi left the lab. When you two were about to go to the elevator your VB started ringing.

E. Gadd: Hey, it looks like you've stumbled across a Boo already! That's a sign that indicates there's a Boo nearby! Let me explain in more detail... Where are those notecards...

You just rolled your eyes.

E. Gadd: Ah, here they are! You see, since I only installed it in your Poltergust, Y/N, Goo-Y/N's body is made of a material I've dubbed "Goo". Goo reacts to the frequency emitted by Boos. So if there's a Boo hiding nearby, the Goo will vibrate to indicate this! The closer you get to a Boo's location, the stronger the vibration will be. You'll definitely be able to tell when you're really close! Did that all make sense, Y/N?

Y/N: Yes, Professor!

E. Gadd: Ok! Get out there and catch a lot of Boos! I'll start thinking about the best way to organize them...

Y/N: We'll be sure to catch them! See you later!

You and E. Gadd went off and you looked at Luigi.

Y/N: Well, let's move on!

You and Luigi went to the elevator and pressed the 4F button.


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