Mark Hoffman x Reader

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(A/N) ONE IMPORTANT THING: These stories are not connected to the preferences.

Warnings: Gore, characters death


(Y/N) and Mark had been together for 8 years now and knew each other much longer, because of their work. You could say the two were the partners in crime.

Sometimes they kept flirting with each other...

Mark kept winking at her and (Y/N) kissed him every time they saw each other. Daniel, Eric, Matt and Allison were amused at the beginning but after a while they did not care.

When (Y/N) brought the news that she was pregnant, their partners started to make jokes about them having sex. Well what they actually had a lot obviously.

Their daughter was now 7 years old. She is a clever and smart girl. However (Y/N) gave her the name Jill, because of her best friend.

At this time she was also pregnant. Sadly their child Gideon died.

Mark still hates Jill to death.

They didn't know everything would change in more than a few months.

Now everything was okay, except the deaths of David Tapp and Steven Sing.

They were currently taking a break and Eric, Daniel, Matt and Allison were still making dumb jokes.

"Hey (Y/N/n) how was the sex yesterday? Let me guess that Mark was too rough?"

"Argh, God damn it Eric, can't you just keep your mouth shut? It's not like that you never had sex, I mean you have a son too."

"Nah, he's been acting weird."

"you call that puberty." Allison said as she walked in with some coffee. "And (Y/N) is probably pissed, because she's on her period."

"Actually not, Maybe she's pregnant again." Allison and Eric began to laugh loudly. So loud that Mark, Daniel and Matt walked in and gave them strange looks.

"Jesus what's so funny guys?" Daniel asked seeming abit curious but also confused at the same time.

"(Y/N) is pregnant. Again."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at their comments.

"No I am not, it's already exhausting to get one child under control. I don't need another one."

"You mean more like it's exhausting to make a child!" Matt giggled.

"Perverts." Mark said rolling his eyes too.

"Seriously you all are perverts. I mean Eric and Allison..." The two looked at him waiting for an answer.

"Everyone in the whole Department knows about your affair. And that's the reason why Eric's wife divorced him after all." Allison and Eric looked at Mark with widened eyes.

Daniel pointed at them and laughed.

"No, no, no Daniel you don't need to laugh. you won't tell me that you never banged your wife? huh?" Everyone began to laugh at Mark's words.

The funniest thing was that he was right. As a thanks, (Y/n) winked at her husband.

They all were really close friends, but that all changed in one blink. the reason was non other than the one and only Jigsaw.

the master of making people go insane till they hurt or kill theirself.

They recently found three dead bodies again. One victim had to escape a Razor wire Cage in less than 3 Hours.

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