Lawrence Gordon x Reader

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(A/N) that scene in SAW 3D of Larry was hot 😎

Warnings: gore


(Y/N) slowly opened her eyes just to find herself in a trap.

It was around her mouth and she could taste the blood and metal.

She tried to get rid of the trap when an old television in front of her turned on.

"Hello (Y/N). You are in a trap. The so-called Reversed Beartrap. Let me explain how it works. The trap is in your mouth. As soon as you get up to get the key you activate the timer. Your cellmate has your key. But now you have to decide. Do you want the reversed beartrap to kill you or do you want to kill someone to save your own life. You've already killed an innocent human so you'd have something from it for yourself, would you fo it again to live..? Think about it."

(Y/N) gasped for air before she decided to get up and activate the timer. She ran over to woman that was lying on the ground.

Her eyes weren't open and her shirt was slightly pulled up which showed a drawing of a key on her stomach.

(Y/n's) heart started to beat faster. She had to kill this woman.

She had to kill someone so she could stay alive.

She screamed and grabbed the knife that was next to the woman before she stabbed her with it.

It was hard to see anything because of the trap and the blood that streamed out of the wound, but (Y/n) continued to drag the knife along her skin before she searched the key in her stomach.

It was warm and (Y/n) was literally touching these woman's organs but she couldn't waste a second.

She was trying not to throw up but the scene made her sick and disgusted her.

Once she pulled out the key she immediately opened the lock and threw the trap aside.

A few seconds later, it snapped.

(Y/N) started screaming with pain but also with relief. She had done it. She had escaped a Jigsaw trap.

"LET ME GO NOW!!!" Suddenly the man from before appeared and (Y/N) scanned his face this time, because he didn't wore a mask. "Zep Hindle."

She jumped on him and tore at his hair in anger, smearing the blood on her hands all over this face.

The two swirled through the room but Zep managed to push (Y/N) against the wall hitting her head against it and this put her out of action.

She shortly gasped before everything went black.

"(Y/N), hey (Y/N) it's over ... it's finally over, we've done it! Please wake up." She heard a familiar voice, it was Lawrence's soft voice. She opened her (e/c) eyes and saw that he held her hand.

"I'm so sorry for what I said and done." A few tears from him fell on (Y/N)'s face, she smiled weakly. She guessed that the two were in the hospital.

Around (Y/N)'s forehead was a bandage and she noticed that the poor Lawrence had only one foot.

"Lawrence, I think I learned from my mistakes... I love you, I really do but what we did was wrong. I should have never stolen the pills."

(Y/n) knew exactly why she was in a trap.

She stole pills from the hospital for herself. The patient who needed the pills died.

The patient never said that his pills were missing, nor mentioned that she took them away from him. He was so confused and didn't even know that he needed the pills to stay alive.

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