Sword Art Online

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Quick Auther note- I have started a remastered version of this series, so I would recommend going to read that one first. After you have finished that one, I would recommend you read the original(this one), but you can also do the reverse. The main plotlines stay the same (an original plot) but descriptions and character development will be slightly different

Sword Art Online, the first VRMMORPG game made for the Nerve Gear. It's bound to get some attention, after all, it's the first of its kind. Under normal circumstances, I would never buy it. However, fate is a bitch. I ended up buying it for one reason....my friend told me to.


" Come on dude, just buy it and play with me," Max says whinny. I just stare at it with an " I'm not amused look" you may think I'm a douchebag, and you're free to. The fact is that I find this situation fishy. I feel that something is going to happen, I don't have proof, but I have that feeling like when your being watched, you just know.

" I don't know about this Max" I reply still unsure. " Come on (Y/N) I got like half of our class coming in" Max continues. "What you do, order them all nerve gear?" I ask. Max replies, " how'd you know!"

There a moment of silence, then I facepalm. "You know there are better ways to spend money than buying your classmate's VR stuff," I say. Max just continues begging me silently without words. I mostly try to ignore him but when class started he didn't move, instead, he continued looking at me with puppy dog eyes. When the teacher strolled in she told everyone to take a sit. Everyone listened but Max, he was always like is, he never gave up.

After the teacher called on him a few times she asked what was wrong. I just kinda shrugged, then Max said: "I need you to make him say yes Mrs. Price". At this moment I knew he had won. " Fine, I'll do it," I say as I mutter "go to hell" to Max. He does a little happy dance then finally sits on his desk. The day went by quickly, and I was on my way home when Max greeted me again.

" (Y/N) I'm so glad you agreed" Max says glad-full. Ha, agreed he says; more like he
checkmated me. He continues talking " well when Sword Art Online launches tomorrow a bunch of us will be grouping up in the town of beginning I hope to see you there," Max says running away. Tomorrow huh I think to myself.

When I arrived home it was the same old same old. My family wasn't any different, I told them that I'd be checking SAO out and that I might miss lunch or even dinner tomorrow. After that was the comfort of my bed.

The Next Day

I woke up from a ray of sunlight from my window. Damn sun I curse to myself. I looked at the time and saw that SAO launched in an hour. Welp, better get ready. I walked to the kitchen to make something to eat and then returned to my room. When I returned I saw that I had received messages from Max

Max: yo dude you up yet

(Y/N): sadly yes

Max: don't need to be so gloom, the big day is today

(Y/N): what big day?

Max: you know what it is. Anyways we have a few friends coming in with us

(Y/N): who may they be?

Max: don't you want to know, login in 5 minutes and find out

  (Y/N): trickster

I turn off my phone and sure enough, the game launch is 5 minutes away. I start hooking up the nerve gear and by the time it's setup 5 minutes have passed. I lay down in my bed and put the headset on

Link start!

A bunch of colours fly toward me, and then I'm faced with a character customization screen. I create my character and then press enter. Next is my username, I insert (U/N) and continue

In a few moments, I'm greeted with

Welcome to Sword Art Onlne!

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